Attempting to cut out processed foods?

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Attempting to cut out processed foods?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  LA Chubster 9 years ago.

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  • This link will take you to a site with some interesting tips about reverse engineering processed foods so you can DIY them with *real* ingredients.

    I haven’t tried it myself yet but I will be next time I get a craving for a processed food.

    That is just bizarre. It’s like the postmodern version of cooking; attempting to create a facsimile of a facsimile of a real meal in which any notion of reality is lost.

    Having said that I’d quite like to be able to cook Burger King fries at home.

    Actually, you’re right and I hadn’t seen that.

    Still, there are familiar foods that it would be nice to be able to approximate with genuine ingredients. And I like her approach of generalizing the technique rather that isolating single recipes.

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