At my lowest ebb

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • 5.5 weeks into the diet and I am ready to binge. Not just ready, I did it last night. I defrosted 2 sheets of puff pastry and piled them with apple and sugar and ate the lot. As an ex bulemic I was tempted to bring it all up again but at least I had that much control.
    I’m upset as my mood cycle plunges. My lovely next door neighbour who I have been supporting through a dreadful year of mental instability was found dead. She was only 55 and it may be weeks/months before we know cause of death.
    A dear old lady has passed and I am sad for her family. Two funerals this week.
    I get very emotionally involved with attacks such as that in Paris and the rise of bigotry and hatred that result.I spend a lot of time trying to present the truth in an effort to subdue the intolerance. It won’t work because the media whips it up.

    Today is a fast day. Not sure how I’ll go.

    Hi LynKay,

    sending you lots of very good wishes. You are okay. A binge isn’t a disaster, it is a blip. No doubt you have complex reasons for bingeing: dealing with emotion, weird brain signals, mood cycles, old habits. It has been an important defense your body over the years.
    And you had an excellent binge! You even defrosted the pastry!

    If you are going to binge, you might as well do it properly! As mindfully as possible. Give your body what it is asking for. Then you can pick yourself up and go back to 5:2 fasting and sensible eating.

    Speaking from experience! My binges have got smaller, lighter and healthier over the years, but they are still there.

    Your binge is right between something good for you and something bad for you, so it is tricky to navigate, but whatever you do, don’t blame yourself for having one!

    There is a thread on this site full of wonderful people dealing with binges: you are SO not alone!

    Cheers and best wishes

    Thank you Cinque! You made me laugh. I am feeling better today. The funerals are over and I’ve had a session with my psychologist. I overate at both funerals and bought lollies and crackers and butter. I realised today it was 1:30 and I still hadn’t eaten . I’ve eaten a big lunch and maybe that will do me for the day. I’ve lost another kg so that was encouraging.

    Good to hear! All power to you.

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