Are we still on the best track?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  coffeelover 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello. Newbie – 7 weeks in – here. I had a thought the other day: the book was updated in 2015. That’s three years ago now. There must be later evidence available now, so does that mean that one or two of the things recommended in the book are no longer right – or at least not the most effective way? Is there a source that will give me the evidence, and implications, since publication?

    Shercom, there will always be updates to diet books. Sometimes it’s because there’s really some new information, but I suspect it’s usually just a way to have a more current book on the market and sell more books.

    The 5:2 way of eating is pretty simple and straightforward. There are lots of ways to tweak it and make it more suited to your habits or likes and dislikes. Some tweaks make it more difficult than it needs to be. But there are a lot of people who post here that did the plain old restrict calories to 500/600 calories 2 days per week and eat normally the other 5 days who have lost a lot of weight. More importantly, there are many here who have kept the weight off for years with this method.

    I always suggest doing the 5:2 plan as written for a month or two and see how it’s working for you before trying one of the other tweaks. That’s what I did. It worked so well for me that I just stuck to the original plan and reached my goal. Now, I stick to it for maintenance, having a few more splurges on NFDs but still doing 500 calories 2 days per week. It’s easy and sustainable, so I don’t see any reason to change.

    How is it working for you? Are you finding it’s becoming a way of life and easy to stick with?

    Hi Shercom,
    there were a couple of updates made about a year ago by Dr Mosley. The first one was that 800 calories maximum on Fast Days was pretty much as beneficial, for people who were unable to manage keeping under 500 or 600 calories on the fasting days.
    And secondly, that an original recommendation that meals should be more than 12 hours apart on Fast Days (I hadn’t even heard of that) was not necessary as having 12+ hours break from eating overnight did the same trick.

    There doesn’t seem to be a lot of research done on 5:2, but this one was posted by Cornish Jane on a thread here today:

    Thank you Cinque.

    Hi everyone!

    I am restarting 5:2 tomorrow, this time doing 800 calories. I never could master the 500.

    This time I’m doing it following the eating principles in Dr. Mosley’s 8 Week Blood Sugar book. I really need to lower those carbs. I also have his 8 week Blood Sugar Cookbook. Both excellent.

    Cinque, thank you very much for those two links. They are very helpful.

    I too wish he would update the Fast Diet book to make it more current. It’s time!

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