Approaching end of 2nd week

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  • Hi! I thought I would contribute my experiences of the Fast Diet so far. I do not have a great deal to lose in terms of weight ( I am 5 feet and I’m looking to lose about 12lbs) which gives a correct BMI for my height. I was very interested in the potential health benefits of the fast diet since my father was a type 1 diabetic who died from complications of this terrible disease. So weight loss and health benefits were the order of the day.

    How have I found it so far?? It is going really well, I have lost 3 pounds which I am really pleased with and I’m feeling highly motivated. I chose to do my fast days one day in the week and one on Saturday or sunday. At first I did not relish the thought of fasting on a work day (communial lunches, birthday treats people bring in and Bake sales etc ARRGH!), far too much temptation, I thought. However I fasted at work last friday and it was a real success, I just drank plenty of fluids, tea with a tiny splash of milk and loads of water. I did not feel any cravings even at lunch with everyone sat around. I was thrilled I’d made it through the day! In fact I normally do a 12 Hr fast but on fast day I skipped breakfast and fasted at work until teatime. RESULT. And I felt great!

    Things I’ve noticed,

    After a fast food tastes so much better, it’s almost as if you pallette is far more sensitive and you simply enjoy your food far more. I was a typical grazer, backward and forward to the kitchen. I would reach for high carb snacks, sweets, cakes etc, falling into the trap of comfort eating after a stressful day at work. Work dinner would be a highly calorific, quick canteen lunch, then rush home later ravenously hungry and reach for the first thing just to eat. I did not think about what I was eating, just doing it in a trance really.

    I don’t have the urge to overeat on a non-fast day. When you have a successful fast you do not want to spoil all your good work. On non-fast days I have got high calorie foods in the house and I have not wanted to ‘make up’ for the fast day and binge. I just eat normally watching my portions, however my food choices are much healthier, loads of fruit and veg ( tend to go for low Glycaemic fruits to avoid the sugar rush, pineapples and banannas are a no no for me). I go for Strawberries and blueberries. Loads of veg and white meat and fish, love salmon. Sounds boring but I ring the changes with herbs and spices, just being careful of calories on fast days.

    I am much more aware of how my own body feels in relation to hunger and eating. I fell off the wagon last week. I was very weepy and pre-menstrual and the weather was really terrible. I could barely prise myself off the settee but I had a real craving for something sweet. Despite my very best efforts I could not resist the half open packet of peanut M+Ms whispering to me from the kitchen. I was crying at this point, I just knew that that particular day was not the day to fast. So I finally gave in and had them. I did enjoy them but strangely enough I did not want anything else. I would have normally sat and stuffed myself silly if I was feeling that way out but a shift occured. I know I broke the fast but I was able to recognise why I felt that way and ultimately control my intake of food. I did not eat anything else and then delayed my tea till later ( damage limitation!!??) Anyway I did not count that day as a fast day and I just changed it to another day. That is the great thing about this diet, it is so flexible you are able to fast on different days each week.

    My mood is better, my skin is better, I was diagnosed with PCOS many years ago ( mild facial hair, irregular periods, skin problems). I don’t know if is early days but my facial hair does seem a bit more under control and the brown skin pigmentation associated with PCOS I had on my neck does not seem as prominent. Like I said, it it early days, but feel loads better.

    Meals are really tasty and satisfying, I have no need to snack between meals since you are eating when your body is feeling true hunger rather than eating through bordem, sadness, hormones etc. The notion of deferred gratification is very powerful, you know that you can have the food you fancy ‘tomorrow’ so it’s not long to wait. You learn to recognise you can have the things you want, you just don’t have to have them that second!! (apart from the occasional blip!!)

    It has changed my shopping habits, I make healthy choices in the supermarket, I have not thrown food away this last couple of weeks. In order to get the best results from this diet I decided to do a household food spreadsheet. This lists ALL the food in my kitchen, everything, freezer, fridge stuff, herbs, spices, THE LOT! (God, thats sounds really anal reading it back, but really useful, Honest!!!) I can keep a track on what I have and ring the changes with the stuff I already have. I am less likely to make silly choices when food shopping.

    I recommend the Fast diet book and cookbook (obviously!)) The lightweight cottage pie with the celeriac, creme fraiche and leek top is really yummy, I was a bit sceptical at first as I love cottage pie with potatoes but the taste is lovely, there are great non-fast day recipes too. Intending to try a few more. I love the chicken stir fry, a real fast day favourite of mine!

    A great little book is the 5:2 Bikini diet by Jacqueline whitehart, I have made the cocoa and raisin cereal bars 143 per piece. Also homemade tortilla chips, a 117 calorie corn tortilla ( I use Mexican Discovery, be careful calories do vary) salt and pepper and herbs if you want, I put caraway seeds on mine, baked in oven for 5 mins. Small amount but really yummy, I take these to work so I’m not tempted to rush to the canteen for crisps!!!

    Anyway I’m sorry this post is WAY too long, feel free to contribute if you wish!

    Good luck to everyone, whatever you personal goals are

    We can do it!!!!


    Tara x

    HI Miagalore – I’m a fellow PCOS sufferer, on my first fast day. How are you doing now? Your post really inspired me to get going with this – hope it helps me as much as it looked like it was helping you back in May!

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