Anyone looking for a fast day buddy?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Buccleuch69 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Just joined today, I have 12 kg to lose, having dabbled in numerous other weight loss programmes. Fed up with clothes not fitting and having a wardrobe full of too tight items!

    I am doing the 800 calls 5:2 having read Dr MOsely’s book.

    Today was my first fast day, and I thought I wouldn’t be too hungry in this heat but I was wrong! I am hoping the hunger pangs get better the further I get into the diet.

    Would like a fasting buddy to share the journey!

    Hi Fastingmidwife,

    This is Day 1 of my journey too. I am 66 yo male BMI 32.6 wanting to drop from 101 kg to 90 (or less he said . . . optimistically)

    Previous diets have resulted in failure with the weight returning with disappointing speed. Have tried reduced meal sizes which leaves me with a rumbling tum so find it easier to skip breakfast and lunch. How about you?

    Can we be buddies?

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