Anyone from PERTH, WA?

This topic contains 12 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  thinatlast 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • hi Perthites!

    I started 5:2 last week and can say that I am truly impressed with myself..oh and the program! LOL…. this program seems doable to me which is making me not stress out so much!

    I would love to create a group of Perthites….. maybe we can all meet up for a coffee/tea/chat.. more coffee/tea/chat….

    Let me know and we can arrange something! Share our stories face to face – giving encouragement!

    I also started last week I live South of the river in Byford

    I’m another Perth people. My hubby and I started last week too. Going well so far.

    I also started last week and live in Beeliar. SOR

    Hello to you all!…. well so far all are south of the river (?Janet)…. so let me know if you would like to catch up for a chat/coffee/tea!
    I am in High Wycombe but am happy to travel!

    Give us all an idea of what days/times are suitable for you all!

    Ha ha… Just starting and yes, I too am on south side in Vic Park.

    Happy to meet up. Daytimes are good for me. 🙂

    Yes I am a Perthy too going well so far 2 weeks in .I found the last fast day hard as have a heavy cold and want to eat . Am going to fast Tues not Mon this week as pub hol .I feel fitter already ,praying this is something that will last.

    HI Jordygirl… sorry you are feeling unwell… I am about to start my week 2 this week. I was going to do my fasting on my consulting days (I work for a specialist) but this week they fall on a Tues and Weds and I don’t think I can do 2 fasting days in a row! I am going to do Tuesday and will try on Wednesday and I think trying to do it on a “non consulting day” will be harder!

    I have lost 1kg so far which I am pleased with. I can see myself doing this in the long term as once we use to the routine of the fasting days it will become norm. Also it is not as rigid as some other programs etc so if you need to change fasting days it is doable.

    I am taking one day at a time and going for it. Trying to be less stressed this time and not putting pressure on myself.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    For those who would like to catch up over the next few weeks… I am free most weekends and evenings during the week. I work full time….

    Hiya! Did anyone meet up yet? Anyone still keen? I really need some accountability, so I’m looking for a group to meet with – I’m SOR, near freeway.

    HI Sez, no nothing organised for a meet up….

    I am SOR and would be happy to meet up on a weekend or an evening during the if that is suitable…. I usually finish work at 4pm, so any time after that is okay during the week….

    Hi Perth people. I live in the 6151 postcode and would be interested to meet for coffee sometime. Vic Park where Margeaux lives has a great variety of coffee places. I’ve been doing this WOE for 12 weeks now, I’m hoping to have lost 6 kgs at my weigh-in tomorrow – although it could be a ‘plateau’ week sadly. I find the fast days quite easy to get through but need to come to terms with not eating rubbish on the feast days. I have found this has led me to seriously question our portion sizes on the feast days and, over time, you do seem to want less of the sugary/salty/carb foods. My fast days are Sunday and Wednesday so best days for coffee for me are Mondays (but I bet most of you are fasting), Thursdays and Fridays. Good luck everyone.

    Hi, I am from Perth and would love to meet except its perth in Scotland.

    ha ha! Well, come on down mikeec!

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