Anyone else spend their fast days Googling really unhealthy food? :D

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Anyone else spend their fast days Googling really unhealthy food? :D

This topic contains 11 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  CalifDreamer 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I keep finding myself perusing the Krispy Kreme website! (Haven’t even had a doughnut in years)

    I’ve only been doing 5:2 for 3 weeks and so far I have never actually gone through with a big splurge on the normal eating days… but I find it therapeutic to see what I COULD potentially have tomorrow, haha. Anyone else the same?

    I used to tell myself that I would devour an entire fridge while fasting. That sensation fades away the longer you do this. Been in maintenance since March 2016 but still water fast every Monday. It gets easier. I noticed a big change at the 6 month mark. Keep going!!

    I watch a lot of food videos on Facebook. And remind myself that I can eat something yummy tomorrow 🙂

    When I first started I used to drift off, dreaming of all the dirty burgers I’ll be munching my way through the next day. It doesn’t happen anymore and I’ll even make much healthier choices, which oddly, taste fantastic too. Infact I prefer it most of the time.

    Googling unhealthy or high calorie food would just make me feel worse about not eating. I try to find distractions. In the evening I’ll often do my nails. It keeps me occupied and more concerned with the color of nail polish than food.

    I like watching YouTube episodes of people that can’t control their eating. 600lb life, secret eaters, etc … It does wonders to curb my appetite for the mostly processed foods they eat.

    No. But then I don’t like ‘really unhealthy food’. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth anymore (but then I have been practising IF for over 3.5 years, and eat very little added sugar or heavily refined carbohydrate).

    On a fast day, what I miss most, and daydream about, is Yeo Valley natural yoghurt with a serving of flaked almonds and seeds 😀

    @happynow funny you should say that. That is exactly what has been messing me up this month. Too much of a good thing and thinking about it too much. It is just too delicious. Especially with chili powder on it too. It was on sale last week and I bought lots thinking it would keep, but I ate the lot 🙁 But yesterday I stopped myself by reminding myself that if I had that first helping I would still want a second just as much and feel worse as the fast would be ruined.


    I have to buy the individual pots rather than the larger, more economical tub, because I can’t be trusted to serve myself a standard helping… and of course once the tub is open it then sings a siren song until I find myself spoon in hand at the open fridge door. I can be trusted however to not open a second individual pot!

    For me it’s worse because when I fast for Ramadan, we can’t consume either food OR water, yet I used to sit around watching food network! haha

    @CalifDreamer- never mind doing my nails- I’m on a FD and am eating mine!!

    @hedgehogs, what about knitting or crocheting? I haven’t done that in many years, but I used to crochet afghans and that kept my hands busy and kept me occupied. I did a simple repeating pattern, so it was pretty mindless and something I could do with the TV on. I wasn’t trying to lose weight at the time, but I did because I wouldn’t want to stop a row to get up and find something to eat. And I ended up with a pretty throw for the sofa or bed.

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