Anyone doing this dairy free?

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  • Hi. I am at the end of my first fast day. I’ve survived! I have read the Fast Diet book and just ordered the Fast Diet recipe book. I am just wondering if anyone is doing this who doesn’t eat dairy products. I don’t eat dairy products or eggs as I don’t like them (never have), although I generally have porridge made with skimmed milk with fresh blueberries in the mornings (in order to have some calcium and to avoid bread). I notice some of the recipes in the book include eggs and yoghurt. Is anyone doing the diet dairy and egg free? Any tips welcomed.

    Yes, I avoid all dairy products and feel better for doing so. I love Dr. Mosley’s revised The Fast Diet, but I ignore a lot of his dietary advice, except for getting a lot of protein on fasting days, because I’m basically vegan.

    I am now following his revised guidelines of allowing 800 calories on fasting days. I am now retired, and I’ve decided that after a lifetime of cooking for others, I am done! Simple and easy and no fussing in the kitchen is my new motto. So what I do on fasting days is make protein shakes with unsweetened soy milk and plant based protein powder. I make an easy soup with veg broth, greens, TVP, and shiratake. Lots of tea and fluids, and I actually feel full all day. You just have to experiment and find what works for you.

    P.s. Good for you, surviving your first Fast day! The first is the hardest!

    Almost dairy free, but I do eat a little cheese that has very low lactose content and I only have unsweetened almond milk in my coffee. I also need to avoid wheat.

    Big_Bill, I avoid wheat and other forms of gluten too. I suffered with some horrible arthritic type symptoms for many years until I figured out I had gluten sensitivity. Within three months of avoiding gluten they were gone. Now if I accidentally get “glutenized”, boy do I know it!

    I was tested for inflammatory foods and dairy (actually the casein protein) is a no no for me. I also avoid wheat as I’ve found it’s a trigger food for me. I do eat eggs, fish and red meat. Of course lots of non starchy veggies and a little bit of fruit, mostly berries. Oh and lots of good fats like avocado, olive oil, nuts, grass fed butter etc.

    My fast days are zero calories, black coffee and water only.

    Thank you all for replying. The lack of dairy and eggs doesn’t affect my life anyway (just a bit of nightmare when I visit the US or my family who live in a cheese loving part of France), so I didn’t really see how it could be a problem on the fast diet as I eat lots of vegetables and protein anyway.

    Don’t think I could do a zero calories day, diverdog!

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