Anyone do the 2pm-2pm Fast?

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Ahmedmilton 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi – I’m hoping to begin this week (still reading the book!) and just came across the idea of the 2pm – 2pm Fast. Does anyone else do this one? I’m assuming you eat normally until 2pm on the first day, but then should “dinner” be the lower of the two calroie counts for my 500 in a 24 hour period? So for instance 150 calories in the evening and then 350 allowed in the morning – but no lunch the next day til after 2pm? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    hi there punknessa

    i’ve been trying to work this one out too!
    hope you find the answer


    Why do you feel the 2 to 2 fast is better than 5:2? What draws you to it, instead of 5:2?

    Just curious.

    You got any articles or research about this? I would like to read about it?

    Sorry if this was unclear- I meant does anyone fast on their fast days from 2pm one day to 2pm the next as opposed to when they wake up in the morning to the next morning when they wake up. There was a mention of that as one other option of flexibility in the book, but no more info than that. It sounded clever in that the main chunk of not eating is taken up with sleep – but then it doesn’t seem you’d get the same benefit as there wouldn’t be as long amount of time between means (if you eat as normal up til 2pm?) I was just wondering if anyone did their fast day from the mid way point and if so how they worked it.

    Hi all, stupid question but do u still eat ur 500 cals during this time. It would be a good one for me because u do spend most of it asleep. X

    punknessa, I have a question, did you end up continuing with the 2pm-2pm diet? I too, just started that yesterday and am curious if it worked out for you? Did you end up finding the answer to your question. Do you eat less calories for dinner and more for breakfast the following day? Also, after 2 pm, did you end up eating food right away, or did you wait until dinner?

    No, I don’t think it could be done by me 🙁

    good job @flower power
    you time passed with sleep….

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