Any advice for moms with small kids and fasting? New to fast diet

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Any advice for moms with small kids and fasting? New to fast diet

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Yelles 6 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi All,

    Just started my fast journey, this is my 3rd day and I am struggling with energy. Am so tired on my fast days and non fast days too LOL. Have 3 month old and 4year old. How do you survive your fast days? I am trying but finding it a bit of a challenge. Any feedback or advice/tips that work for others would be great.

    Yelles how’s it going?
    I haven’t really got much advice as I am only 5 weeks in to my own journey, but didn’t want your message left unanswered. Maybe as your youngest is only 3 months your body is still recovering, sometimes adding more protein to your normal meals can help with tiredness.

    Hi Veggiesaurus,

    Thanks for the tip. I am struggling on my fast days as I get hungry and lack energy. Yesterday I decided to put off eating til the afternoon and that was heaps better. Seems the minute I eat, it sets off the cravings. So no food fasting til the afternoon / evening of my fast day might be what works for me. But I think it’s a journey and will need adjusting here and there. Not sure if this is “allowed” but I sometimes have 600 calories on my fast day and it gets me across the line. Rather 600 calories than no fast day I think!

    Yelles, lots of people seem to find that to be true: that eating causes more eating. You have to figure out what works for you.
    I’m a woman and I eat 600 calories on a Fast Day, rather than 500. Works for me.
    I concur with Veggie, that you might need to up your protein on Fast and Slow Days. Carbs can make you tired, sugar makes you even more tired.

    Hi fasting_me, glad that I am not the only one eating a bit more on my fast days. I think it’s reasonable. Thanks for the carbs and sugar tip. Also seeing this as a lifestyle and not a quick fix. Somedays I wake up and I know it’s not a fast day so I try again another day. I don’t want it to be a burden.

    Hi Yelles, I absolutely agree, although I don’t have kids, on my fast days I tend to have a snack at about 3pm, and then a reasonable sized dinner.
    I’ve been doing 5:2 for about a year now, and the first two weeks were DEFINITELY the worst, and it feels like my body just adjusted after that (which includes fatigue and hangry-ness lol!). And yes, some days I have a few more than 500 calories if I’m struggling. Just listen to your body.

    One thing that has definitely helped over the past few months is trying to limit sugar and chocolate (not easy by any stretch of the imagination!) but i’ve been finding the less I eat, the less I crave, and it has definitely helped my energy levels by not causing a sugar crash. I havent cut it out completely (I need my chocolate hit some days), but even just cutting down has made a massive difference!

    Good luck with the fasting!!

    Thanks Gretta, I love what you say about listening to your body! And the sugar tip definitely is one that I need to work on.

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