Another Newby from Aussie

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Feel excited and apprehensive at the same time but looking forward to starting. I love the flexibility of this change in lifestyle so here goes. ………….

    Good luck Annejames let us know how you get on.
    Im newish too. Feels good to get started.
    My first fast day I thought about food all day! Now I dont,I just try to keep busy and enjoy a nice meal in the evening.

    Another new Aussie here! I guess we were all watching SBS on Tuseday night!

    Welcome fellow Aussies! 😀

    Hope your first fasts have gone well. This forum is a great source of info, so if you haven’t already, do have a good look around. It is impossible to keep up with all the posts now, so if you have a particular issue, try using the search function.

    What did you think of the doco? – I have been following 5:2 for over 7 months and it was the first time I have seen it!! I liked that the emphasis was healthy longer living, with weight loss as a side effect!

    We have a topic “Hello Southern Hemispherites” that you might like to have a look at/ contribute to. 🙂

    Best wishes on your journey 🙂

    Bunch of segregates, with your “Southern Hemispherites” topic… I feel left out as a Northerner 🙁

    Anyway, hey Annie! You already did the good thing in calling this a lifestyle and not a diet. A good start is half the work (or something) so the fact that you’ve decided to start is amazing! Apprehensive, sure, I get that, just get through those first few fast days and then see how you feel 😉

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