Another Newby

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  PreciousBooBoo 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Well, this is Day 1. Clothes just getting a bit tighter than I would like, a bit of middle age spread gaining ground. I am quite active as I have a dog to walk and garden to weed, but I also have husband and son and mother-in-law at home for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so I spend a lot of time food shopping and cooking.

    I have decided to take the dog out for a walk at lunch time on Fast Days, so away from food.

    I tried this Fast Diet earlier in the year, and then life pressures got the better of me, but I was also trying too hard. I have decided to be easier on myself. If I really can’t drink tea without milk (yuk), then allow 1/2 pt skimmed milk for drinks on a Fast Day.

    Got to get the book out and write a shopping list, so have all those little extra ingredients to hand.

    welcome honey

    u may call usa

    sorry that somehow in this fast growing forum

    we did not reply

    i know it’s been a month

    how r u doing now in this lifestyle being the cook

    4 ur large extended family?

    i bet ur happy u came back 2 this lifestyle

    just curious on ur progress w/ this & ur dog?

    Welcome…to the last diet you’ll ever need 🙂

    Sometimes these posts get lost in the shuffle…how is it going?

    Hi Honey

    (I’m tempted to add – I’m home!)

    I hope you look back at your post though you may not bother when no-one was kind enough to welcome you at the time of your posting. Sorry for that-it’s not very nice when no-one responds – you feel a bit shunned.
    I hope it hasn’t put you off from posting at all-that would be a real shame because it’s nothing personal.

    How has it been going this time around? I agree with you; tea with no milk is yuk and I think it is much better to make allowances from your calories and have milk in it. This helps to maintain the feeling that you are not on a ‘diet’.

    Let us know how you are getting on

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