Another newbie, looking for a life change!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Blue_Eyed_Girl 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi, everyone!

    I heard about the 5:2 diet from a friend who has had great success with it, and I must admit that I was very sceptical at first. In my mind, fasting = starving = negative, and so I rejected it out of hand. But she was more energetic, her skin looked better, she was more focused and positive, she said she slept better, and (of course), she lost quite a bit of weight. So I did some more reading. And yes, here I am!

    I haven’t started yet, since I need to go grocery shopping at the weekend, and I’m planning for my fasting days to be Tuesday and Thursday. I wonder if Monday might be better, but right now, I can’t imagine starting the week hungry, so I’ll see how I get on 😉

    Anyway…. nothing much to say, really, except hi, and I’m ready for a better and healthier life. I’m 5’4” and 211 pounds (down from 227), and so I really need support and structure to carry on…

    Hi .. welcome aboard 🙂 There’s so much support on these forums 🙂

    Good luck!!


    Hi BEG,

    People confuse fasting with starvation. The two are virtually unrelated. Starvation kicks in when you are down to about 4% body fat and your body starts to break down protein to survive. That is unlikely to be the case for most people attempting to lose weight. Remember to drink LOTS of water while fasting. I find chewing gum helps. When you think your about to cave in, get up and go for a 15 minute walk. The hunger sensation will pass. It comes in waves. Try and eliminate sugar and grain based foods from your diet. No bread, pasta, pizza, cakes biscuits, breakfast cereals. No sugary drinks. No smoothies. Eat whole foods. No potatoes.

    Good luck. It works it youre genuine about it.

    Thank you, ladies, for that warm welcome!

    BB, I appreciate the tip about the grains, though I’ve generally removed them already, because I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto’s (which has made weight loss an added challenge, sigh), and although my doctor has said that I CAN eat gluten in small amounts, the truth is that I just seem to feel naturally better without grain. I tried some gluten-free pasta and bread, and felt awful, so out they went!

    I will struggle a bit with removing sugar, I know, since I love honey, peanut butter, and brown sugar in my coffee. I’m not crazy about cakes or chocolate, so that won’t be a hardship. I’m more of a meat/ cheese/ sauce girl, and I know those things are packed with calories and sodium… so I’ll have to make some adjustments there.

    Thank you again for the welcome…. I’ll poke around the forums a bit now, see what’s shaking 😉

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