Another newbie!!!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  milly_molly 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I am doing all the preparation to start tomorrow and feeling very excited about it all. Any information and hints and tips would be fantastic. I have fitness pal on my phone which will log my calories and also got a little diary to write things down. I am 2 1/2 stone overweight but more that anything I want to feel fitter so I can be around longer for my family.

    Welcome and good luck

    I’m also new and just onto my second week.

    So far I find I’m drinking lots on fast days to keep hunger at bay. As someone who hates tap water I’ve found the way to make it palatable is to chill it and add a slice of lemon or lime.

    It is 3.10 and I am just starting to feel the hunger pangs….I think I have done very well even if I do say so myself
    Just had a cup of tea but the hunger is still there anyone got any ideas till I have my dinner at 5pm

    Kim I have just started as well, this is my 3rd day….I found that if you can skip breakfast it helps as you don’t wake up your digestive system
    Well it has worked for me I am only just now feeling hungry
    Good luck

    What does everyone drink on a fast day? Can you have tea with sweetner and no milk or diet drinks??? Bit confused on that one.
    Lolli, can you go for a walk or do something to keep your mind off food. Mine is knitting (yes sad for a 44 yr old. lol)

    Hi Kim
    Yes you can drink tea coffee with or without sweetners and with or without milk even on your fast days… it says in the book…..I find Cranberry juice very good it is not too sweet and refreshing I keep mine in the fridge because it is so hot here
    I ended up having a couple of pretzels and a drink of cranberry but the smell of my dinner cooking is driving me mad….and there I was doing so well good job we eat at 5

    Hi! I’ve just done fast #4 on week 2 (that’s fasting 2 days pet week x2 weeks) so new also.I’ve been drinking sparkling mineral water with ice,which is really nice and helps silence the hunger pangs for a bit.I’m doing 7am breakfast then diet coke at lunch,with 7pm meal which fits pretty well with my lifestyle.I’m having nothing from 7pm the night before fasting,so 12 hour break in between.Hope this helps!

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