Another newbie

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  • Hi, today is my first day too, i thought I’d pop my head in and say hello. So far the fasting isn’t anywhere near as hard as I thought. First meal was strawberries and yoghurt just now (2pm) and I’m having chicken and green beans for dinner. I have read that quite a few people are weighing themselves every day … Should I weigh myself tomorrow? Bit worried there will be no change.
    Anyway, hello again and good luck to everyone on your journey

    Hi Peps

    I’m on my first week and I’ve abstained from the daily weighing. I will weigh myself tomorrow morning as it will have been a complete week.

    I think people just do what suits them. When I’ve been on diets in the past it’s been a weekly weigh in so I think it’s just what I am used to. I think I’d be crushed if I got on the scales every day to find no change or very little.

    Good luck 🙂

    don’t be too concerned if there isnt much change for the first few fasts. It all depends on how much you have to lose. Even if the scales dont move much you will notice waist bands etc are looser and you feel great too – goodbye to the bloat!!!

    Hi everyone
    I’m also a newbie and this will be my second week. I am fasting today and feel fine. I drink alot of green tea which is quite filling. I’m not sure whether or not to have a piece of chicken I had cooked up from yesterday at 9pm tonight (so this will mean I haven’t eaten for exactly 24 hours). Any thoughts on this will be greatly received!!

    Ta Ta

    Thank you for the welcome. My fast day went well yesterday and today I have eaten fairly normally. However, I do not feel very good this evening and am looking forward to fasting tomorrow. I also know that I will not want to eat as much on Friday

    I weigh myself all the time using scales that connect to the internet and measure body fat. Its good advice to only weigh weekly for many people, but being a half-geek half-man I’m addicted to gadgets and like seeing the curve of my weight bob up and down over time.

    My weight in the morning is very much lighter than the evening so what is my real weight? Seems to me that a continuously wobbling curve tells me the truth whereas picking one time in a week is a bit random, I might appear heavier or lighter than I really am. At least with a wobbly curve on a graph I can see a general trend and that can be motivating.

    Good luck however you weigh yourself, if you keep going it will work no matter what scales say on any one particular day.

    I know that weighing once a week at the same time roughly first thing in the morning is usually the best way to go, otherwise you can end up obsessing and getting rather worried on the days where you don’t lose (or even worse, you might even gain a little). However, I am a little OCD and quite often can’t resist trying at all sorts of odd times. But I know enough to not get depressed if i don’t see a drop for a couple of days. It just depends on your mentality.

    P.S. I’m on my second week, currently embarking on my fifth 500 cal day, and feeling ok at the moment.

    Welcome Peps. I have been on the 5:2 since the beginning of this year and the thing I like best of all is that you do what works for you.

    So, for me, I weigh myself every morning that I am at home (I work away during the week a lot) and record my weight each time I hit a new low. I can fluctuate by about 2/3 lbs but it’s on the downward trend.

    Good luck, enjoy the journey, for me it’s now a great habit and I would miss it if I didn’t do it!

    I’m on my second day tomorrow. I haven’t got a start weight yet but will weigh myself at the weekend and then intend to get weighed in 9 week intervals. I don’t own decent scales and don’t want to get obsessed buy having some in the house (I have a 12 year old daughter who I don’t want to see copying weight obsession!). I plan to use dates in the diary as goals which happen to be around the 9 week interval mark and tie in with my main goal of around 24-27 lbs. For example; 19th October work day out, 21st Dec Xmas ‘do’ etc…I will use the mirror and my clothes to gauge my success in the mean time. I will do the same with measuring waist circumference also. I will do 3 days a week (Mon, Wed, Fri) and see how this goes.

    Hi …this is my first day on here but my 3rd day on the fast diet
    So far it seems to be going ok, I have been doing no breakfast in the morning when i get up just some orange juice and coffee with semi skimmed milk sometimes 2… for lunch I have been having a piece of water melon a conference pear and a dry cream cracker..then nothing till dinner at 5 apart from a cup of earl grey with semi skimmed milk which last night was roast chicken salad and baby new potatoes
    So far it seems to be working very well and I don’t feel hungry at all, I have also been drinking Cranberry juice


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