Another newbie

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  • So, I had heard about this ‘diet’ but missed the original programme… Then the book was reduced in the Kindle store so I decided to have a browse… I’m hooked on the theory: how could you not be? And am just starting on doing it for real. Had four fast days over two weeks so far and have lost, I think, 4lb ( was on holiday when I started with no access to scales but pretty sure that’s what I was last time I weighed myself). When I’m on holiday I’m pretty active, walking about 8 miles a day, I will be interested to see what happens when I’m back at work with next to no opportunity to go for a walk…

    Not finding fast days majorly difficult. I don’t eat until midday because, like lots of others I notice, breakfast just triggers hunger pangs! I’m a veggie so just working out what works best.

    It’s great to find that there’s a proper forum: the Internet is such an amazing way to learn from other’s experiences when you’re doing something like this! Hope I eventually have something to contribute myself although I’m pretty sure I’ll just be asking questions to start with!

    Hello. We have just started 3 weeks ago. I find in best just eating an apple for breakfast and then a Satsuma for lunch then a lovely dinner fish, roast veg, salad then melon for supper. It helps me to have a bigger dinner so don’t wake in night hungry then.

    I’m debating the best way to eat at lunch at the moment. I like to have something reasonable as it makes me think I’ve actually stopped fasting at that point! But, as you said, the worst thing is going to be hungry. It’s a fast day today: have had nothing to eat since 6pm last night and since that point have swum one mile and walked 8! Thanks for the reply, it’s great to know other people are near the start of their journey too.

    I miss breakfast and then usually have a salmon fillet(sprinkle chilli flakes over wrap in a foil parcel and cook for approx 18 mins in the oven)with salad and a dressing form the recipe book.

    I think that it’s really important to have something that you really enjoy on a fast day, so that you enjoy the little that you do eat.

    There’s an awful lot of people eating an awful lot of fish, it’s a great diet choice. As a veggie, I need to start eating tofu again!

    And quorn 🙂

    I’m on my second week and have done 3 fast days so far. I’m finding it surprisingly easy to eat nothing until tea time, which I never thought I could do. Although, I am on school holidays so it will be interesting to see how I feel when back at work!
    I am also a veggie and make sure I have quorn in my meal as I know it’ll keep me fuller for longer.
    Don’t think I’ve lost weight yet as I’m a terrible over eater on the other days 🙁

    I just had quorn Bolognese (those little packets that are amazingly low in calories) had a small portion of pasta and spinach with it but still hungry 🙁 I think it’s the carbohydrates in the pasta that has caused that. I’m going to give zero noodles a go, to see whether they’ll keep me fuller longer. I’m hoping that my mindset will change so that if I do overdo it on feast days, I’ll overdo it on healthy food!

    Ha! Yes, I am also hoping my mindset will change so that I will eventually lose my sweet tooth and opt for healthy foods all the time!
    I try to steer clear of carbs when I have my meal in the evening of my fast day.
    The things I am struggling with are feeling very hungry about two hours after my evening meal on my fast day and also eating way too much on my non fast days.
    Oh well, we’ll see. If I don’t lose weight by doing this then I’ll have to exercise more 😉

    Go carefully with the exercise. Muscle weighs more than fat so whilst you may actually be fitter and look better, the scales may tell you something different. Exercise for me is a no go area at present, the only exercise being walking up and down at work or housework but then I do have a lot of weight to lose and I’m hoping that once the stress on my joints eases, I’ll be able to indulge in some exercise. The gym is out though, I’d be bored to tears. Always fancied power walking 🙂

    I probably eat more when I’m at work because it’s either very stressful or I get bored. Plus, for as long as I can remember there has always been chocolate, biscuits, cakes on the go. Luckily we are all attacking our diet now so the place is slowly becoming a sweet free zone 🙂

    Oops! Weighed myself today and I have put 2lbs on since last week and after 3 fast days!!
    Just goes to show how my mind works!
    Feel so cross with myself. I know that I eat too much and this just proves it. I will try harder on my non fast days as I really need to lose weight 🙁

    Try not to be downhearted. Just think of the break that you gave your body on the fast days as being beneficial regardless of whether you lost weight or not. If you can, approach your feast days with a healthy outlook. If you want to eat lots, do. Just make sure it’s lots of the good stuff 🙂

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