Another newbie

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 7 years ago.

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  • Hello, I am thinking about trying 5:2, but am worried about fast days, I have two young kids and I am worried about getting “hangry” at them…. Also do people tend to give up things like sugar?

    I think that it would have been much easier for me if I had reduced my sugar intake when I started, but there has been a gradual change in sugar consumption over the years. Have a look at the sugar content of everything that you consume and try to keep below 24g/day. Its quite an eye opener when you look at anything low fat/diet and compare that with the full fat version. Jar tomato sauce is often high in sugar too.

    My top tips would be to reduce sugar where you can and avoid anything ‘low fat’ or ‘diet’. Aim to have protein and leaves/vegetables for your meals. I am very fond of salmon fillet and salad or vegetables for example. Protein will fill you up, carbohydrates wont.

    I have cooked meals for 4 young men and completed FD. The trick for me was to cook things that they loved and I didn’t. Any help?

    oops. Meant to say avoid rice/pasta/potatoes/bread on fast days.

    I found that I felt better on a fast day, so began to eat more healthily on non fast days too.

    Thanks Annette that is helpful. I have gone sugar free before and find it’s easier for me to completely cut it out rather than cut down – I get bad cravings which disappear after a few days of complete abstinence. I am a bit reluctant to try 5:2 atm because I don’t think I’ll stick to it and don’t really believe I can lose the weight I need to to get to a healthy BMI. I’m just lacking in motivation right now.

    You sound just like me!
    I never believed that it was going to work for me and I started it almost to prove that it wouldn’t. I lost 26 lb and 26 inches in 8 months. I was rigid in 500 cals for 2 days a week, but I would also have a cake the day after to celebrate!

    I would suggest that you measure-I did waist/bust/hips/thighs and calves before you start and just try it for 4 weeks and see how your clothes fit. I used to weigh/measure/try on clothes once a week. There were weeks when the scales never moved but I could clearly see that my clothes looked better as the rolls of fat got smaller.

    Do you think that you have lots to lose? I am 3 dress sizes smaller than when I started.

    There is loads of support and tips on this forum. Look at the different threads, we are quite international!

    Technically I need to lose 5 stone, for a healthy BMI, but I’d be happy with 3. I do have a bag of clothes I’d like to fit into again too. I’m a bit scared to measure & face the facts!!

    My very dear friend has lost 5 stone. She fasted twice a week and then stopped eating pasta, rice, potatoes and bread, after I had told her what I had read. I have been reading Robert Lustig-‘Fat Chance, the hidden truth about sugar, obesity and disease. He is an endocrinologist and very supportive. Easy book to read-changed what food I bought and ate. The next recommendation is Jason Fung, he is a Canadian nephrologist. Read ‘The Obesity Myth’ it spurred me onto trying longer fasts-inspirational.

    I now avoid all 4 processed carbs. They are not banned, but simply avoided. Try it and see what happens/how you feel.

    Don’t measure then and stay away from the scales. Just try the clothes on and look at how they fit you and become loose.

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