Another new starter

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  • Fed up of not losing weight through Weight Watchers etc., I’ve picked up the Fast diet book and read it through. Feeling very inspired so I am going to join you all 🙂

    I need to lose weight (BMI approaching 40) and I need to get fit and lose fat.

    Read many of the postings here and it all seems very inspirational.

    Looking forwards to the journey with you all

    Hiya weenie cat, I have also started on the forums today my bmi is 54 and counting. a bit sedentary due to pain etc but hopefully can conquer this. Our brand new support group started last night… girl has lost 46 lbs but her zest for life is infectious. I have known her many years she’s always been a bit of a chatterbox and a genuinely nice girl, but I felt myself envying her renewed vigour and she was so euphoric and happy I wanted a piece of that! I have been to so many weight loss groups, some more than 10 times and keep getting heavier. To be honest the numbers don’t mean much anymore, but feeling well does. Scotland feels like the Med at the moment but I just want to cover up. looking forward to the change, end of rant

    hey its my first night on this sight and its given me the boost I need. My sister started 8 weeks ago and lost 12 lb she’s over the moon with that. Her moods seem a lot better too. I had lost nearly 5st up until 8 week ago when I stopped going to WW im hoping this is me back in the zone as I still have 8 st to shift x

    Hi! I’m a newbie too. Did my 5th fast yesterday and feeling ok. Not sure how much I’ve lost so far as the scales seem to go up and down all the time so gonna leave it longer this time before I weigh myself again! I’ve got about 5 stone to lose. Done all the usual diets but get fed up thinking about food. Have a large family and they all eat different things so I have got to the stage where for me 2 days a week not having to think ‘what am I gonna eat today’ is great. Think I’d happily stop eating all together but not good. Good luck everyone!!

    Hello All!!

    I just read the book and joined the site, I haven’t started yet. But I will be starting this week coming up..Kind of nervous and anxious lol. my bmi is at a 31 so I need to keep myself motivated to keep this up, I hope I can do it! Thanks everyone!

    The more I’m reading about this way of life, the more inspired I feel. I need to lose about 4.5 stone, so I need a plan that will become my way of life.
    Bought one of the cookery books today to give me some inspiration for fast days.

    Although I’m planning on fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, I went and got on the scales in Boots today to get the fat % readout etc. Oh boy, was that a shock. Measurements all done, so tomorrow I shall spend in preparation for my first fast day

    I also started this week and so far have done two fasts. I lost 3lbs which has really spurred me on. I’m enjoying my feast weekend at the moment. Not looking forward to Monday fast though. I will be off with the kids which will make it harder I think:(

    Hi, I did my first fast a couple weeks ago and lost 3lb. Now though have had a week with husband and kids off school on holiday so routine and eating changed.

    I really want to get back to a fast this week, so wondered if anyone has any good ideas how I can work this into my daily routine, whilst everyone around me eats! :/

    i plan on using knitting – I cant eat and knit at the same time, but I can sit and chat to folk
    Day 1 so I’ll let you know…

    Hello! I am through the first week. I was never a calorie counter, but bought a food scale and my husband and I are using the recipes in the book. On the third low-cal day today (not really a fast if I get to eat 500 calories) Had the smoked salmon on cracker with cream cheese, then off to Zumba and work. Have not weighed myself, but clothes feel looser. I do get a bit light-headed and had a mild headache the first week during fast days. I think you need to adjust. Herbal tea helps.

    My advice is- Keep busy!!

    This is my first fast day. It is 3.50 and I feel very hungry. I am trying to increase my fitness (light running and swimming!) I need to lose about 10 lbs. It is very encouraging to see so many others out there doing the same and I am sure the forums will give me the incentive to keep going. Good luck to everyone.

    Hi JoeyE, just a word of caution. Do not post while you are running or swimming it is not safe. Keep us all updated on your travels.
    Good luck

    This is my first day fasting today and its been tough! I am just working out what to eat for my dinner.
    I decided to start on this as my sister swears by it and she has found it works really well for her. I needed to get out of the binge / diet cycle that has been my life for so long. I have about a stone and 10 lbs to lose but also want to be healthier.
    I am really pleased with myself that I have got to 5.30 p.m with just coffee and water! Really hungry now though 🙁

    Hello everyone, first day of proper fasting, it must get easier!

    It does, Chocoholic! Keep going! 🙂

    I’m almost at the end of my first fast day and its gone well.

    I took porridge and blueberries to work to have about 11am as I knew if I eat breakfast earlier, I get hungry all day.

    Apple mid afternoon. Lots of water to drink

    I’ve got a veggie moussaka (280 cals) for this evening, so I will be going to bed satiated.

    Best bit is that if I want to eat more, I can tomorrow 🙂

    Hi, have just joined the forum and looking forward to my first fast day tomorrow. Off to supermarket now to stock up on veggies. Wish me luck for tomorrow 🙂

    have had my first fast day today, had 2 ryvita with cottage cheese & pineapple, & a lovely juicy pear for elevenses, didnt have it at brekkie as id rather wait to eat am than wait from 6.30am till 6.30pm, think i would crack. then had a little chicken stir fry with a few noodles. if ive thought about food or thought i was hungry today, i got a tea or a juice. about 3pm had a clementine. have been out & bought all weeks shopping today as were liable to go off to the shop for one thing & come back with loads, so im hoping to stop some of that if not all. good luck all xxx 🙂

    My partner and I both had our first fast day today. It’s been a bit of a shock to the system but am determined to not let that fridge door open until tomorrow!. I’m used to eating a lot when I played rugby and did a massive amount of cycling and running, but over the past few months I’ve done little to no training (for one reason or another) and the weight has piled on. 32 inch waist has become a 36 inch waist, so that’s made me even more determined to crack on.

    So far I had a bowl of apricot wheats (45g) at 7am for breakfast, then a boiled egg at 1pm, and a small ham salad at 4pm (1 slice of wafer thin ham, Chinese lettuce leaf and some grated carrots) and with LOTS of water in between.

    At this moment in time I’m feeling peckish but am keeping myself busy to ignore the hunger pangs (Masterchef just HAS to be put on TV tonight.. 🙁 ).

    Looking forward to tomorrow for a hard-earned snack!. Good luck everyone.

    My family are nearing the end of our first fast day! Last week my thirteen year old daughter was given a recommendation for the 5:2 diet from our doctor. I was quite surprised that he had recommended a fasting diet as it goes against what I thought would be medical opinion. So I bought the book and read it over the weekend. my husband, two daughters and myself have decided to give it a whirl. We may have to try other fasting options as I decided to go for a very light breakfast/lunch of a piece of fruit and a yoghurt followed by an evening meal of quorn spaghetti bolognaise (a good sized portion, complete with parmasan cheese). My plan was to try and beat the bed time hunger pangs however we are still hungry! Alternating between trying not to think about it and trying to think about tomorrow. It may be an early night. Good luck all you other new starters, I’m sure it will get easier as it becomes routine.

    I’ve been doing it for 7 weeks, and no, it does not get any easier, but your resolution gets stronger as the weight and inches come off. I still get very hungry on fast days, but that’s hardly a surprise; I have just got on and lived with it, knowing tomorrow morning I can have boiled eggs and buttered sour dough toast for breakfast!
    Good luck with it and to all new starters. Even though fast days are a bit of a challenge, it really suppresses hunger on the other five days and I haven’t had a foody over-indulgence since I began.

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