Another new member!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Charley Webb 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone, my husband and I finished our first day fasting yesterday and are doing the second today. I have to say that I feel really really tired, I hope that isn’t a consistent thing.
    We had a lovely dinner on the programme and it’s inspired me to eat similar meals on non fast days too as they sound so tasty, can anyone assure me that it’s ok to do that?
    I have just turned 31 and I promised myself that I wouldn’t be overweight when I reached 30 as my weight was up and down through my whole 20s. I just want to get a grip and finally be at a weight that I am happy with.
    So, I’d love to talk to people who also want some support.
    Looking forward to being part of the gang!

    Hi Charley, welcome to the group. To be clear, are you fasting two consecutive days? I would find that difficult and I’ve only been fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. This means on any fast day I always know that the day is followed by a regular eating day.

    On non fast days, you can eat whatever you’d like, so if it is a fast-diet meal, that’s perfectly fine.

    Hi! Thanks for your message. We are trying two days in a row mainly because I thought I read in the book that it was more successful that way? We will however try to different days next week and see which we prefer!

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