This topic contains 28 replies, has 24 voices, and was last updated by  harswardhan 9 years ago.

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  • Whilst the IPhone and Ipad are popular communication tools they are NOT as popular as Android. This means that all of us with a Galaxy or Nexus Tablet or any of a thousand different makes of smartphone have no access to any Fast Apps. A shame and irritating.

    Hi all, I’d also appreciate having the apps available for android. Any idea if (when) this will happen?

    HERE HERE:::: Android holds 82% of market share in use!!! Apple 14.8%…

    Go figure why the app has been developed for Iphones exclusively.

    There are 12 of us on the Fast Diet in my family alone who would all LOVE to use these apps. BUT, you guessed it – we all have ANdroid Phones!!!

    OH HAS anyone found a Android App that works as well as those that have been developed officially for the Iphone.

    Hi Tracey59, I’ve been using the Interval Timer AD for my HIIT workouts, the 7 minute Workout app by Wellness + Prevention Inc for strength training & the SparkPeople app to track calories. This has a weight tracker & all sorts of other trackers built into it. All have android & iPhone versions. vivianb

    I like android apps..I need WiFi hacking apps…

    How hard could it be…..?

    Agree. Please support those of us who use Android. Thanks 😀

    And to add my support to all of the above. The app needs to be available in Android too.

    I am also in agreement. I would feel more motivated and supported if there were apps for Android; which I use exclusively.

    Looking forward to seeing one on the Play Store soon. 🙂



    Really quite annoyed that the app isn’t available on android. I suppose all the people behind this only have Apple. Lucky you.

    I just wondered if there was any news as to when the HIT app might be available on Android please? I thought I’d read some time ago that it was being developed.

    I notice there has been ASOLUTELY NO RESPONSE from Michael Mosley or anyone else involved with this website. You’re all wasting your time posting here. Use the ‘Contact Us’ link at the bottom of this page and see if you get any response.

    Some correspondence between myself and JJ:

    There is a thread in the forums about an Android version of the Fast Diet apps. Is anyone involved going to respond or are we fighting a losing battle?”

    Unfortunately, the Android app won’t be available for some time. However, we do have a free old fashioned planner for The Fast Beach Diet available to print out on the website here: — I know it’s not the same, but it should certainly help you chart your progress.

    “Hi JJ
    Thank you for your response but I have to ask – why won’t the Android app be ready for some time? As pointed out in the forums, there is a far greater percentage of Android users than there are Apple users. Why are we Android users left out in the cold? I think someone from Fast Diet should go on the forums and explain to all your users what the problem is. It can’t be money, the sale of books, etc is a big earner if your own advertising on the books is to be believed – “No.1 Best Seller”; “International Best Seller” and now you have the “Fast Diet Kitchen”.
    So come on, what IS the problem with Android????

    And now the fob-off:

    “Hi Lorel,
    Sorry, I don’t have anything to do with the app development but will certainly let them know you’re asking about it!

    Yes another Android user here. Wishing and hoping.

    Me too! Pleeeeeeeeeeease – we need ANDROID apps!!!!!

    Please release the Android version of the Fast Beach App !!!!!

    And another vote for Android apps please.

    No Android app ….. why not????

    +1 for the implementation of the Android App.

    Hi guys, I agree with you all. But I have found an app on Android that is specifically for fast dieting. You can add foods, scan bar codes and choose your fasting pattern. It allows you to track calories on fast days and non-fast days. Its called TrackMyFast (all one word) and the symbol is a red heart with a heart-rate line going through it.

    I’ve only started using it so I can’t attest to its viability, but so far it seems good. I found a link to it (if I’m allowed to put a link?)

    I use that app too. Works pretty well.

    I’ve given up trying. I bought myself a FitBit and their app syncs with all my devices and I can track not only my daily steps, but extra exercise, calories used/remaining for day, liquid intake, weight, sleep and I can connect with other FitBit users and either compete with them or work together, plus they’ve got a FaceBook presence. Does everything I need, don’t need Fast Diet anymore. Goodbye.

    Very disappointed that android apps aren’t available yet….bad oversight. I track my Cal’s on My Fitness Pal. The premium version allows you to set a daily goal so works for my 5:2 regime and keeps me under my TDEE on non fast days. It syncs with Google fit. I will be using a 7 min a day exercise programme when I get round to it.

    Also disappointed to find no support for android with these apps. I like MyFitnessPal but don’t really want to pay for the premium version. Is it just a one-off app cost or is it a subscription?

    This app is going to help you in your Interval Training Sessions

    Wi-Fi is now important thing. To use Wi-Fi connection, you need to know use of the to use wifi you can find in this link:

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