Am I losing too much?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 6 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I am usually 215-225lbs. I started a 16/8 fast, no strict diet and no exercise other my physical job. After 2 weeks i stepped on my scale and it was 215. After 3 months of fasting my scale said 207. I got off the fast for a month and still no dieting or exercise and scale now reads 203. Is this a normal thing or should i be concerned that my weight is dropping when i am not fasting?

    Hi Robin, one way to get an indication is to work out whether you are underweight according to your BMI. It isn’t perfect, but it is a good place to start.

    Other indications are: do you feel well? do you look well? do you feel you are eating normally?

    You have lost nearly 2kg over a month, I tend to think of my weight as 50kg + or – 2kg just by naturally going up and down with changes like water retention, food passing through, appetite changes etc. Most people’s weight goes up and down in this way. So it doesn’t sound much of a worry, but if you are underweight, or feeling unwell, definitely go and check with your doctor.

    If you are in the overweight range and you have lost 2kg over a month, maybe your time with an eating window has helped you get into new, healthier eating patterns and you will continue to go down towards a healthy weight.

    Best wishes

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