Am I allowed Diet coca cola on a fast day?

This topic contains 15 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Kiwiana 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi watched the tv programme and am mid way through the book, can anyone tell me if I would be allowed to drink diet coca cola on a fast day? Probably not good for me, but feels like a treat. Yes or no please?

    Hi cw, absolutely you can! Like you say, there are probably ‘healthier’ drinks out there but if it feels like a treat on a fast day then why not?

    Just make sure you count in in your calorie allowance. I have taken to drinking redbush tea with no milk or sugar on a fast day as it is a zero calorie drink. That way I can eat more 😀

    At 1 calorie a can I hardly think Diet Coke is going to have a big impact on your diet 😉

    I have no idea how many calories is in a can as I don’t drink caffine so have avoided Coke for 8+ years now. So yes, go ahead, drink away if it’s only 1 cal!

    I think some people find that artificial sweeteners actually trigger their appetite. So if you find that happening you might want to skip it and find a different treat instead.

    Of course you can drink diet coke if it’s the one thing that will see you through… however huge numbers of folk see it as the devil’s liquid with so many bad side effects – just try googling “diet coke is bad for you” and you can have fun deciding what’s conspiracy theory and what’s real science! Have to say that I hardly know anyone who diets who doesn’t rely on these drinks, and that in itself is problematic. I might have one or 2 cans a year as I like it but feel yuck afterwards (even though the immediate sense is one of pleasure). So I stick to water. There is absolutely nothing good nutritionally about diet coke (or any fizzy pop), and as I eat healthily the rest of the time (although too much of it or I wouldn’t be 5:2ing) it would be bonkers to pour chemical fizz into my mouth on a regular basis. So, your choice cw.

    @ JennyM, in the netherlands we have cola light without caffeine is about 8 different brands. So if you want to try that, search for it or come and visit me 😛

    I tend to drink water mostly as coke is filled with god knows what! If you want some thing with a flavour try lemon water – I like mine hot too. Herbal and fruit teas are good also. Which reminds me – must put the kettle on! Good luck

    I do. Its the only 2 days my hubby and i drink it. Stops we wanting the wine!

    @anssies – I’ve had the caffeine free diet coke over here. I don’t like diet drinks but it’s fine for the odd occasion I get a craving for some cola! If I ever go to the Netherlands I’ll be sure to look you up and we can have a caffeine free cola drinking session (even on a fast day!!) 😉

    I like diet pepsi and usually limit myself to one can a day. I am hopeful that it wont stall any progress

    Thanks Guys, I won’t overdo it!

    My partner and I had a serious Diet Cola habit, around 2 or three cans a day.

    Until last November that is, when accompanying me on a trip back up north, from our home in Devon, we both contacted bad cases of Novovirus (first me, then her). We were so ill for almost a week and couldn’t touch any cola. After the virus cleared up, we both found the cola to be sickly & chemically, impossible to drink. Since then we haven’t touched a drop, preferring sparkling water instead.

    We’ve both felt better since, so the Novovirus was a godsend in a way.

    I drink (usually sparking) water all the time in fact when I haven’t had enough water my body now tells me, never thought I would crave water.
    I had or so I thought an American root beer in the fridge (for you Americans on here it costs more than 3 dollars a can) so I thought I would treat myself today (it’s an off day). However, I discovered I had bought cream soda, bit disappointed but I like cream soda. Or should I say used to, I have drunk about a third and have swapped it for water as really don’t like/want it.

    I drink it to take the edge off. Usually around late afternoon. I only drink it on fast days or if Im out drinking as I mix it with my rum but that is only on weekendd.

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