Alternate day fasting – for how long etc

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  milena 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello everyone, I have been trying the 5:2 diet for a while now, but I stopped because I keep overeating in the weekends and it stops me from seeing results. Which is why I have started the alternate day fasting (ADF), but I have a question that I can’t find an answer to anywhere.
    Say I had my last meal tonight at 7 pm and don’t eat afterwards. Then I wake up tomorrow, and don’t eat anything until 7 pm, which would be a 24 hour fast. But do I still have to only eat 400-500 calories even if I eat them after fasting for 24 hours? Or can I eat like 800 calories because my fast is technically over?
    I don’t know if my question is clear enough, but I would very much appreciate some answers!! Thank you 🙂

    Good question.

    There are many variations of the 5:2 and the AD fasts, but to eat your 400-500 calories twice isn’t the norm.

    I do 5:2 and sometimes Af, but as follows: Normal day last meal 6-8 pm, next day nothing til lunch, usually lunch and dinner, my total 375 or thereabouts, bed, then up next morning, if I ate at 6-8am, thats 36 hours, but I usually eat at midday. Thats how it is explained in the books, but its not set in stone.

    How are you doing 5:2?

    Well I don’t eat my 400-500 calories twice, because I usually don’t eat anything at all until dinner. So the question is really, does my dinner have to stay between 400-500 calories? Or can I eat more since I haven’t eaten for 24 hours?

    Hi. Not sure if I’m with you.

    The standard fast isn’t 24,hours, it’s 36 or more.


    The fasting day begins when you get up, so it would be 24 hours from then.

    Not sure if this is making sense as there is variation. But when you get up on a fast day, you have your 400-500 calories to use before bed. So just 400-500 in your evening meal.

    ADF is just 4:3/3:4. Rather than 4:3. So you would do Mon. Wed. Fri. Sun. Tues.Thur. Sat. Each fast day 400-500, each standard day your standard. Either under TDEE, up to TDEE or ‘normal’ eating if you don’t count calories.

    Hope I’m making sense. Hard to be specific, because we all do it differently.

    Good luck.

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