African, mum and new to 5:2. How do I manage

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  • Hello everyone,

    My name is Tayo. My daughter’s 21months old now and I just cant seem to lose the weight I gained after she was born. I did the ‘exclusive’ breastfeeding for 6months and gained 15kg. So I need to get rid of all the weight.
    I hope this will help.
    Today’s my 1st day. I had some bran cereal with skimmed milk and boy! am I hungry. How do African’s manage?
    Most of our meals are sooooo fattening.

    Hi and welcome. It’s a mind thing. Think to yourself-tomorrow I can eat what I like! That’s how I started off and I can assure you it gets easier, a lot easier as you get used to it. I’ve been living the 5 2 lifestyle for the last 8 months and its changed my life. Keep it up and good luck.

    hunger will only last a few minutes at a time. distract yourself like the book says. keep your eye on the ball so to speak, you will feel fantastic soon enough. Experiment, maybe try protien in the morning. Also, I’ve found that I prefer to stay close to home and not be out and about very much on fast days.
    you can do this!!

    Hi Tayo, welcome first of all. I share a background with yourself and probably a bit more. I am a mother, who has breastfeeding experience(the best thing I ever did for my children) and also an advocate of breastfeeding from every nerve in my body. Take note when I breastfed I did not know what I know now about the subject. However, I beg to differ with you on few issues. 1)breastfeeding in itself does not make you gain weight, on the contrary it makes you loose BUT,some of the beliefs surrounding feeding while breastfeeding could make you gain weight. The second point I begg to differ with you is that ‘African food is fattening’ it depends on WHAT and HOW you do your food. I swear by my African food. Its not fatty and as long as you take the ‘right’ amounts you should be OK. However, the way food is ‘perceived’ can spell the difference. On most instances,we take food as a social prerequisite and believe you me I can eat for several people on those instances. That’s the issue.
    As for the ‘hunger’ and fast day, i think you will find your own niche after sometime. A lot of people tend to do it differently. I find I just dont have anything all Day coz once I start I get ‘peckish’. I therefore just av fluids then by about 5-6 can’t take it anymore so I just have a meal. I have just had a piece of grilled tilapia and veg just now looking at my calorie count i still have about 100 remaining.During the day only fluids mainly water and herbal teas(black) as and I went to Zumba at 12 and did 1hr comfortably.
    Mind you I only started last week. Am excited, I told my zumba friends about it today. Best of luck to us all!

    Hello everyone,

    thank you for all responses. Woke up today and don’t feel hungry. Imagine! This might work. Thank you sooo much.

    Well done Tayo, glad you feel better. surprisingly its like the next day, your tummy is so sensitive to ‘overdistending’ with food. I just had breakfast now and I am uncomfortable. By the way, I found my fitness pal very useful for calorie tracking. Someone has very kindly put in all sorts of foods and their respective calories including the afrocarribean foods. Good day.

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