advice please

This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  fastingMaxi 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi there

    I have decided to start the diet because my BMI is fine (21.4) but my body fat is 36%! I am also interested in the health benefits.

    So I plan to fast Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have done one day so far and just about coped with the hunger pangs. I am on day two now and am starving.

    I ate a two egg omlette with spinach at 10.45am and plan to have some miso and a carrot and an apple at 4pm.

    I will then eat some sardines with veg for supper at around 6.30pm.

    My questions are:
    Am I eating too often in the day?
    Are my meals to close together? If I ate breakfast earlier I don’t think I would last the day until supper.
    I am getting irritable and scatty due to hunger- do you think this will abate?

    I really want to lose some body fat- I hope this works!

    Thanks, it’s great to have this forum for support!

    For the diet to work at its optimum you need to consume 500 calories in a 36 hour period. See FAQ in top right corner, question is it 24 or 36 hours.

    My fast began on Wed at 5pm after my evening meal I then ate at 6am Thurs, 7pm Thurs then will begin my non fast day at 6am tomorrow morning. 37 hours in total.

    I find if I eat anything before my evening meal on a fast day I get really hungry, so I skip breakfast and lunch and then eat about 250 cals for my evening meal. The rest of my calorie intake for that day comes from the milk I use for my numerous teas and coffees which I have to keep me going (I can’t cope with the idea of having them black).

    The fast days definitely do get easier. In the first few weeks I found I got incredibly sleepy, but that’s no longer a problem.

    Good luck with it all!

    It’s a good thing you mention the 36 hour period Bedhead73. I hadn’t read that in the book yet and ate till about 11pm yesterday, and my fast day is today, guess I’m having breakfast at lunchtime tomorrow 😉

    I do the same, my evening meal at 7pm the night before then my breakfast at 7am and dinner at 7pm on fast days with lots ov water . 🙂

    Basically don’t drive yourself crazy worrying about rules though. Even 500 calories shouldn’t be a hard & fast rule for you to start with. Just getting used to the vast reduction in calories twice a week is a trial, so if you need an extra few (I’m only talking 50-100) calories to get you through in your first few weeks then for goodness’ sake do it. It’d be better than giving up entirely and you can squeeze the calories back down once your more comfortable with the lifestyle.

    Once you’ve been doing it a while real hunger pangs become a thing of the past and I’d recommend just having all your calories in one go in the evening but that’s just me – lots of people spread them out and it doesn’t seem to make much difference to the benefits of the ‘diet’, so do whatever works for you.

    Thanks Bedhead73 I think this may have answered my question as to some weeks being slower. I hadn’t clocked it being 36 hours as opposed to 24. I will keep an eye on the times I eat dinner on non fast days as sometimes it is very late.

    Am finding eating more consciously that I am eating much less, in fact I cannot manage to eat all of some of the meals which is a huge surprise. My shopping habits have improved as I don’t buy lots of extra and unnecessary foodstuff and the garden is very grateful for the 5:2, as I use it as a distraction to extend the time before fast day dinners.

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