Actually started on Monday!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Started yesterday – you know, I’ll start Monday as the saying goes, well I kinda did it, because I must think I’m a man! Ate a hair over 600 – must have been those macadamia nuts, only had like 5 or 6, but thats all it took!
    Well, being a real foodie, I knew it would be tough. Before yesterday I was letting stress eating take over my life. I’ve been successful with dieting in the past and I know just how good it feels to be light and fit, but it never lasts as my work is quite stressful and they have way to many cakes and cookies at the office. I’ve been progressively feeling worse and worse, hot flashes coming back, joint and muscle pain, the works. So I’m here to get back on track and try and make a permanent change. This plan seems much more managable, and the success stories are quite encouraging.



    & we r sorry 4 not responding quickly

    we r growing & some posters r being lost in the cracks luckily we have a section called unanswered topics

    i’m in my 50’s 2

    no longer have hot flashes šŸ˜€ (they r bad r’nt they?)

    “So Iā€™m here to get back on track and try and make a permanent change.” exactly how i felt 2

    tell us ur progress so far & how r u handling ur nonfastdays?

    we do welcome ur thoughts & insights


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