We’d like scales that are affordable, consistent, accurate, please.
Our current scales are cheap, John Lewis electronic. (We are in the UK). We can weigh one or two or three times within a minute, giving same weight, then immediately weigh again on same wooden floor, giving a series of readings that are half a kilo to as much as one and a half kilos different (usually higher). Frustrating!
Have twice bought Tanita. Expensive, inconsistent too, and each soon ‘died’. The first claimed to give readings for fat and bone – results were all over the place. Previously had Seca spring type scales – they work but read inconsistently.
On Amazon, if I find a few scales with good reviews but look a bit harder, I find poor reviews for a different colour of the same model, or poor reviews on Amazon.com.
Can’t afford to spend a fortune. Any suggestions?
7:56 pm
8 Sep 13