About to start in Australia, need support!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Teejaykay 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hello, I’m a mum who needs to lose maybe 5 to 10 kilos and this looks like one of the few feasible ways that could fit with having to cook for family (I can’t face the idea of having to cook separate meals every day — being different on 2 days in the week looks manageable).

    Would love to hear how others cope having to cook for family (and do the shopping for the things they eat and I will be avoiding!) while following this diet.

    I probably wouldn’t be as weak about eating sweet things if they weren’t in the house, but realistically that is not going to change (I have to change).

    I’m also (twenty years now) a vegan. Really looking for support in motivation. Thanks!

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