A Newbie With New Hopes

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ktf 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone! 🙂

    Well, at first I’m going to talk about myself.

    I spent my early childhood years in a countryside. During that time, we were a poor family. My both parents didn’t have a job. We were glad if we could buy a loaf of bread per week. Plus, as it was a country, I used to move a lot. I was a super skinny child.

    But then, the problem started.

    Surprisingly, my problem started with a bunch of good events.

    My both parents got jobs at the same time. With huge salaries from the start. We bought a car. We left our country (which I still mis… deep inside, I’m a country person) and bought a flat in a town. Everything looked perfect.

    I got tones of food.

    Chips, chocolate, various exotic fruits, white bread, French cheese and lots more. I ate them all for the first time in my life. I didn’t know what the moderation was. I had as much food, as I wanted. For the first time in my life I could eat non-stop. Delicious food.

    So, guess, what the six-years-old me did?

    Of course, I ate.

    Ate, ate, ate.

    And I stopped moving. Because I wasn’t in the country anymore. I was in a new unknown town. I was afraid of those unknown children. So I rarely went outdoors.

    In conclusion, I kept eating various food all the time and stayed indoors.
    The result? I became fat.

    I didn’t care about it. The only thing I cared about was food. Food, food, food.

    Until then, I was always hungry. Now I could forget my hunger. As long as I could eat, I was in heaven.The only food I refused to eat was meat. Any meat, even fish. I have eaten meat once and it was enough to me. I hate it. I’m a natural vegetarian.

    So, the result… I stopped growing at age 11. I was 157cm. and 56kg.

    I needed 47kg.

    From that time, my weight varied from 56 to 62kg. Never less, except two times when I became anorexic.

    At first time, I didn’t eat anything for 21 days. And then gave up, being 52kg. The weight came back to 62kg.

    At secong time, I ate 600kcal. a day for 1,5month. Plus, ran 8 km. every morning, rided a bike for 3h. and walked for 2h. every day. I don’tunderstand how I’m still alive. At that time, I also reached 52. This time, my weight came back to 57kg.

    My parents didn’t even notice it. Not because they don’t care about me but because they trust me. They let me do what I want because they trust me. If they got to know about my anorexia, they would be disappointed about me. So I didn’t tell them anything.

    I’ve also had a bulimia once and COS for so many times I forgot the number.

    I forgot the number of diets I’ve tried.

    I’ve been vegetarian for all my life.

    I’ve become a fast and persevering jogger, bicycler and walker.

    I lost hope.

    Then, I heard of 5:2 diet.

    I gained hope again.

    This morning, I was 56.6kg. So, 9.6kg. to go! 🙂

    P.S.Yeah, I know that 9.6kg overweight is not a tragedy. But it caused me some serious psychical problems so I’m serious about it.


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