A big hello from sunny Devon…

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Derbyshire Boy 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Howdy! I’m Phil and I’m 56. I worked for the NHS (mostly radiotherapy-related work) for over 32 years, but after my wife died from an untreatable cancer in early 2008, doing the job was a daily reminder of what happened to her, it was really getting to me mentally, so I retired early, on New Year’s Eve 2010. After a short break, I then retrained as a hypnotherapy practitioner and have this year started my own practice in lovely Devon.

    The problem is that I was never skinny (I’m a big guy all round, always have been). But from rushing round like a cat on speed at work, for 30 odd years, I went to doing almost nothing and the pounds just piled on. So here I am, just starting the 5:2 plan.

    Good luck, Derbyshire Boy! Sorry to hear about your wife, but really pleased also to hear that you’ve made a new home in Devon (my dream is to retire to a nice coastal property down there – might need to win the lottery first, though 🙂 ).

    You and me both! We only live around 9 miles from the coast though (between Exeter and the sea), so I suppose that will have to do for now.

    Mind you, my partner & I do trawl the local property websites and indulge in a little ‘house & home porn’ now and again, so to speak.

    House and home porn !!!! Too funny! Lol myself to bits!
    No disrespect to you Derbyshireboy 🙂

    You like that? 🙂 I adopted it from my partner’s accusation that I’m continually surfing the net for ‘guitar porn’, as I love guitars (especially vintage ones) though I’m not myself a particularly good player myself.

    Pleased I’m not the only one indulging in a ‘rightmove’ fantasy! Being a Derbyshire lass myself I’m very easily seduced by a sea view. Anyway, back to the topic of 5:2 – how are we all doing today? I had the easiest fast day ever yesterday, and for the first time since starting this plan (more than 3 months now) I’ve not felt completely ravenous the day after. I’m excited that unseen changes could be afoot in my body and that I might see some more weight coming off soon!

    In that case, I can say I often indulge in VW combi and celtic harp porn!
    Bring on the porn!!! 😉

    I found my first fast day no problem at all, I have to say.
    And I’m looking forward to my next one on Thursday.

    Mind you, I did have a very vivid dreams about pie, chips & mushy peas last night, which left me drooling a little, but thankfully, there are no ‘proper’ chippies down here in Devon.

    StephB: Where in Derbyshire are you from?

    Long Eaton (just a stone’s throw from the Nottinghamshire border!), though moved ‘Down South’ 3 years ago. There’s a decent chippy in Beer, by the way! Not very fast-friendly, obviously, but worth a trip if you fancy a properly-battered haddock and a mountain of chips & mushy peas 🙂

    Ahhh Beer? Really? Thank you, I must remember that. I think we’ve only been to a pub in Beer once and that was just after I moved down here, in May 2012.

    I’m originally from South Normanton though, again, not too far from the Notts border and spent most of my working life in hospitals in Nottingham, Derby and finally Sheffield.

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