70 yrs old–just starting

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  laurie13jun 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I’m wondering if there are other older individuals in the Baltimore area using the 5:2 approach.

    Hi, I’m close–64–and in Silver Spring. Just starting alternate-day fasting a week ago and loving it so far. What is your interest in making contact with other local/older participants?


    Wanted to get together and support one another, even eat together….silver spring too far away. Good Luck

    74, just getting indoctrinated, haven’t done anything yet, really not sure what to change, i now eat mostly healthy; work 4 days a week. I gave up sugar and all things white for a 3 or period, cheating g started in my all time favorite: Italian/artisan/whole grain/my home baked ryes and oat biscuits, breads w butter mostly. I literally could live on this!! About 30lbs over weight but would be satisfied to just lose 10lbs and motivated to be toned and exercise regularly.

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