7 weeks in and patchy success

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pudding 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi, I’m 47 and have half a stone I’d like to shift, shifted a few pounds so far by fasting. A few things I have noticed about fasting is the weight loss is very patchy for me and I can gain weight on non fast days, although I am not eating to excess those days. Also I can feel quite sick and faint the day after a fast day-anyone esle feel that?
    Finally I envy those who say fastng is a doodle-I still get massively hungry and grumpy on fast days-and yes I am drinking enough.
    I’m sticking with it as I think the weight will go eventually and I am convinced by the health benefits of fasting but I don’t find it easy at all!

    Hello Phoebe,

    I also still get massively hungry on fast days, and also on non-fast days, as I have found I have to calorie count every day or I lose nothing. I’ve been doing the diet since March and had lost 9 lb, but this week put four back on!
    It’s certainly not a doddle for me.

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