7 Weeks In

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  stephencon 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • My name is Stephen. I live in Tinley Park, a south-west suburb of Chicago. I started the 5:2 on April 20 after seeing Dr. Mosley’s program on PBS. I’m 56 and had never been on any sort of diet before. Dr. Mosley’s approach appealed to me because we’re roughly the same age and body type: I’m 6′ tall and weighed 206 lbs when I started. I have a desk job in the medical field but have a dog which keeps me active. I use a pedometer and usually log 10,000 steps per day and sometimes double that amount on weekends due to yard work. 7 weeks into the fast diet I now weigh 196 lbs and hope to reach a target weight of 185 lbs by August.

    Hi Stephen, I started the 5:2 on 23rd April, so I too am 7 weeks in.
    I live on the South coast of England, seems this diet is taking the world by storm 🙂

    I have lost 11lbs so far, and am loving this way of eating.

    Good luck with your journey, and fingers crossed you will reach your target weight by August.

    Thanks cupcake. PBS showed the Horizon documentary in April but I had read a New York Times profile previously which didn’t capture my imagination. It’s odd but the doc seems targeted to Americans, with segments in Missouri, California, and in Chicago, close to where I live.

    Hi Stephen
    I’m 13 weeks in and have lost 20 lbs and my cholesterol has dropped from 5.9 to 4. I find I’m losing weight slower now than in the beginning but hey as long as I’m losing I’m happy. I live in Australia and have a science background and I saw the panorama program on utube. Sure much of the science was based on US research but I felt it was relevant to us all on basically a western diet. I lived for 12 months in Portland Oregon and I’m sad to say the Australian average diet isn’t much different.

    Hi BG,
    I’m also losing weight at a slower rate now than in the first month but it’s unlikely and possibly unhealthy to keep on dropping 2 lbs a week. I’m a Canadian expat, so up the Commonwealth.

    Hi Stephen, We have similar profile, except I am 71. I live west of Boston. I started the Fast Diet the same week as you and have lost 10 pounds. I have said for years that I would be happy to get to 195, but I got there so easily, I now have my goal set to 185. That will require some new trousers I fear, but a much healthier life. -Howie
    PS. I get my steps on the golf course.

    Hi Goldy, Well done. I’m starting to tweak my fast day routine. Never been a calorie counter and don’t have the patience for it. Decided to take fasting literally and not eat at all on Mondays and Thursdays. I usually do my walking on a trail which encircles a golf course but the mosquitoes are making a meal of me.

    Hi all, very nice to hear from people from all over the world. In the last couple of days i have done interviews with journalists from Belgium, Korea, Portugal, Poland, Australia, New Zealand and the USA. After some initial scepticism there is growing acceptance, certainly here in the UK, from doctors and dieticians that this is a regime that works. I have even received an invitation from to go and talk in the Houses of Parliament. So good luck everyone, enjoy the journey

    best, Michael

    Nice to hear from the man himself. I’ve broken through my 195 lb plateau, in part, by going for a lunchtime walk on fast days. Now down 12 lbs in 8 weeks.

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