62 year old on first fast day

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pot-bellied Heron 9 years ago.

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  • Hello I’ve been browsing the topics. I find that reading about others people’s experience gives me motivation and boy, do I need it. I am not massively overweight but enough for doctor to keep nagging me plus I have high cholesterol and blood pressure. I weigh 140 pounds. I am 5 foot nothing so I look like a dumpling. Yesterday I bought a set of scales. Today is my first fast day. It’s almost bed time and I’m starving. I desperately want to lose 30 pound and get fit again so I can enjoy retirement.

    Hello MsPolly.
    I tend to go to bed a lot earlier on fast days which I see as just another benefit.
    Don’t pay too much attention to the scales. Once a week will be more than enough and you may not lose every single week.
    Good luck!

    Thank you Heron. I found when i did go to bed that I couldn’t sleep due to hunger! I hope the fast days will get easier

    I’m not sure they get easier but you do get used to that empty feeling in your stomach.
    I’m 17 hours into a 72 hour pre-Christmas water fast and I don’t envisage it being too troubling.

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