5:2 Newbie (tho not to dieting) says hello :)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Isa 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Good morning!

    My name is Isa, I’m 59, female andabout 80lbs over-weight. Shudder.

    I started my first slimming class at 17, and have struggled ever since.

    In my late 20s, I lost about 4 stone and was ‘normal’ weight. I thought my slightly dull and grey life would miraculously improve, and when it didn’t, I let the weight slip back on again.

    In my late 40s, I lost 107lbs by just (“just”!!!) eating less and walking more. I did feel pretty darn good but again, let it slip.

    Last year I had chemo and radio therapies for Lymphoma. AFAIK I’m OK at the moment, 15 months in remission; but mentally the diagnosis knocked me totally for six. I suffered with anxiety, depression and insomnia – three very sneaky bullies. Most days, they’re beaten into existence, although it sometimes feels as though they’re still lying in wait….. 🙂

    Some people found it hard to believe I’d had cancer: I didn’t have it long, and the treatment was relatively short, tho grim, so I didn’t look like the “typical” cancer sufferer you see on tv. For a long time after the treatment, though, eating was quite a struggle. Not just because I was too tired, too depressed to think of food much but everything tasted of cardboard for months. Once I began to enjoy food again, I really did begin to ENJOY it!!

    So here I am now with 80lbs to lose. Again. Idiot. Again. in 7 months, I’ll be 60, and I want to have made some serious efforts to losing that weight by then. Yes, I do know that I won’t lose 80lbs in 7 months, and I do know how many calories make a pound…. but I want to give it my best shot. The more so because my employers have given me early retirement on health grounds, and I have to retire in 5 months’ time.

    I know a couple of colleagues who’ve lost a lot of weight on 5:2 – both men, it seems to be a WOE that appeals to men in particular – so here I am, giving it a go. I started on Tuesday, and made it and Wednesday Sensible Eating Days. Today, Thursday, is my first fast day. I know from past experience that if I can just get hooked on this plan, and get into all the logging and projections that I like to do, then I’ll be fine. Feeling hungry has almost never in almost 60 years been a trigger for me to eat or over eat, usually it’s other emotional trigers, so hunger pangs won’t be an issue. I hope to wear them like a Badge!!

    Thank you for reading this witter. I look forward to getting to know people – good luck to us all!

    Started 30/09/2014 at 226.0lbs, aiming for 199.0 as a first target.

    Hello and Welcome, Isa

    I hope that your first fast day goes well for you. While you’re easing your way into your new fasting routine, you might want to start out with 500cals and then drop that to 1/4 of your TDEE when you’re in the rhythm of fasting (explained in the thread mentioned below).

    You might like to look through the dedicated thread where lots of the questions that newcomers have are answered: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck integrating fasting into your WOL! I’ll look out for your progress.

    Thank you for the welcome!

    First port of call – check out what TDEE means!!

    TDEE 1859 – found it!

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