5:2 early days – the good, the bad and the ugly

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5:2 early days – the good, the bad and the ugly

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rainbow 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I’ve been doing the 5:2 for 3 weeks, and although it has got easier as the weeks have gone on, I am still trying to work out my snack or not snack the middle of the day. I do find I feel faint if I don’t eat between my 7am and 7pm meals so am trying to take my mind off it by walking (which works) and working from home the days I fast (luckily I can work from home up to 4 days a week). The good is that I am losing weight and it is getting a little easier, the bad is that I still feel hunger pangs during the day even when drinking lots of water/herbal tea (I have always drunk a LOT of water each day and around 5 cups of herbal tea). The ugly is that I did find my stomach didn’t like the change in routine at first so led to a few upset stomachs the first 2 weeks – but luckily no headaches. But overall all good and lets see how I get on with continuing for the next few weeks!

    Hi Jo, I know this won’t work for everyone but personally I find fasting much much harder if I have breakfast… have you tried not eating first thing in the morning? I’ve never been a regular breakfast eater anyway but I now never eat before mid-afternoon on fast days and sometimes not until evening. I should disclose that although I commute and work long hours my journey is a short walk followed by an hour on the train and then sitting at a desk all day so I don’t necessarily need an energy boost in the morning. I have also settled in to “grazing” on fast days… having 3 or 4 100 calorie snacks over the afternoon/evening rather than having most of my calories at once. Good luck 🙂

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