5:2 diet audiobook PDF

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Londor 3 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi I’m just a newbie in Katoomba NSW haven’t started yet but have the audiobook and listening and learning. During the reading Dr Michael Mosley mentioned about looking at the PDF to get more info but with the audiobook you don’t get the PDF’s is there somewhere where I can download these PDF’s? Thanks.

    Where do you download audiobooks?

    It will be better if you read books, rather than listen to them. It’s just that when you read the information, it’s better absorbed. I have learned this from my own experience. When I was at university, I was too lazy to read textbooks, so I didn’t study. I started fussing when the exams were a month away. My friend advised me to listen to audiobooks, as there is a myth that information is better absorbed this way. But unfortunately, it didn’t help me, and I was in a panic because of this. I was lucky that I found https://mytextbooks.org and was able to download all the tutorials. So for a month, I prepared for the exam and wrote it perfectly.

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