50 and about to start the fast diet – anybody else new to this?

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50 and about to start the fast diet – anybody else new to this?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  lifesabeach26 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi – I turned fifty in February this year. I have considered myself to be over-weight for pretty much all of my life, and it has always held me back emotionally but not so much physically, that was until recently. This year things just hurt – I feel sluggish, unmotivated, generally un-fit and in poor health and this worries me greatly. I always swore I would be a fit grand-parent but at the moment see myself being old before my time. So I have read the book, written my shopping list and today is my Fast Diet eve – so was wondering if anybody out there was also just about to start and would like to join a thread with me (having said that people who are more experienced with this diet would be most welcome also, especially if they too are of a similar age. I have at least 3 stone to lose ideally, but I have said that so many times in my life I have decided to try and concentrate on improving my health as my main target, and reducing my love of wine!!! Looking forward to ‘meeting’ and chatting with some more like-minded people soon. Here goes 🙂

    Hi Lifesa’ 🙂

    Good luck on your first fast day!

    I’ve just completed my first year and, like you, I started not long after turning 50. I can only speak for myself, but it’s the best and easiest diet in the world. I’ve posted my experiences of my first year in the “soul > personal stories” forum under “Yet Another Success Story”.

    If I was to offer any advice, it would be to make your fast-days as simple as possible and to keep a detailed diary of how you’re feeling throughout each fast-day (and even the days afterwards). The diary serves 2 purposes: it’s a tangible record of your experiences as you progress and, most importantly of all, writing it is an excellent distraction for when you get a “bit of a wobble” – and you will!

    Happy fasting,
    Andy 🙂

    Thanks Andy
    I will take some time out tomorrow (on my first fast day) to have a read through of your experiences. Love the idea of keeping a diary – it’s already helping me focus on what’s important.

    All the best

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