4:3 one week and 6:1 the next?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pumpkinsoup 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi all,

    I’ve restarted the 5:2 diet after a brief stint a couple of years ago. I was just wondering if I could fast three days one week, and then only do one the following?

    So ultimately making sure I get my 8 fast days a month, but spreading them out unequally (but not consecutively) throughout that month.


    I would think of it over the long term – the number of fast days someone doing 5:2 would do over 70 days (10 weeks) will be 20 (2 fast days x 10 weeks). Your method will be 5 lots of 1 fast days (five) added to 5 lots of 3 fast days (fifteen)….. 5 + 15 = 20

    So over the long term you are doing exactly the same amount of fast days as someone doing the 5:2 (10 less than someone doing 4:3 (30 total fast days) and 10 more than someone doing weekly 6:1(10 total fast days))

    The only real question is will you find you are able to stick to the diet over that period in the same way someone will stick to 5:2 – you may find your 3 fast day week too hard to do after a 1 day fast week, or you may not?!?!?

    Lots of figures but what I’m ultimately saying is if you can stick to it, notice a difference on the scales as well as in your measurements then of course you can do it.

    Im writing a blog on my journey – feel free to read


    RJ – 10lbs lost in 3 weeks

    Thanks RJ,

    That was helpful. I should have mentioned that I only intend to switch to 4:3/6:1 for the odd occasion and not as a routine structure.

    Having thought more about it, I guess the problem with doing what I wanted is on the week of doing 6:1 I might end up eating too much on the feast days as my stomach is over that recovery fast period, which might slow down the diet. We’ll see..

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