3 weeks in…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  maccolla1641 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi there,I am 3 weeks in and am enjoying the fast diet and feeling good, I do however feel very guilty the 5 days each week I am not fasting and hope I am not undoing all the good work done 2 x per week!

    I just wanted to add weight (pardon the pun) to this amazing diet from down under in Sydney. My husband and I are staggered by the results we have achieved after four short months. We are both in our mid/late fifties – I have lost 10kgs and eight centimetres from my waistline and my husband has lost seven kilos. We feel fantastic and with the money saved from buying less food we have bought new trendy clothes and sent a lot of our “fat” wardrobe to the alterations lady. Our friends and workmates keep using terms like “inspirational” and we have bought the book and sent the web link to many of them. This is the only diet that has ever worked for me. I think it should become part of the national health plan. It’s true that after the first week or two the fasting gets easier and you get used to managing hunger pangs because you know you can eat what you like the next day. Within reason, we can eat the occasional chocolate or pizza on some non-fast days without reversing our weight loss, although we like to eat healthy food most of the time. Thank you so much Michael and Mimi for changing our lives in a way we never thought would be possible at our age.

    Hey Fastblast, how is the fast diet? Still persevering? I have just finished my third week of 5 x 2 and wondered where are you now. I started at 90 kgs and now hovering just below 87 kgs and have lost 1.5 inches around gut, I must say I feel better (lighter?), although yesterday was hard as I had only 350 cals from dinner on Wed to breakfast today (Friday). Please let me know.

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