3 weeks in!!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  maytime 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I started the Fast diet 3 weeks ago and weigh in once a week – we have a little ‘fat club’ going at work and the only rule is that all participants manage their eating regime whichever way suits them. The Horizon programme only came to Australia about 6 weeks ago so i got the kindle edition of the book and made a start. The first two weeks my weight stayed the same but today at weigh in I lost 2.1Kgs – very impressed. I won’t pretend the fasting is easy and i’m very tired by the end of the day but aside from this don’t have any other side effects. I cook at weekends and have food ready for my evening meal on fast days (Monday & Wednesday) but try and last out till 7pm before eating so i don’t feel too hungry at bedtime, I also drink lots of fizzy water. I now have the recipe book which has some great recipes for anytime of the week!

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