3 Months in – Battle of the bulge.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hi,
    My other half and kids were mocking my increasing mid rift whilst returning from slimming world, in February. Xmas had been and gone but remained on my tummy. My good lady mentioned 5:2 fasting, so I had a go. I’ve lapsed a little and plateaued. I felt energised enough to take up running again and restarted Couch to 5K. I joked my diet is 2:2:3 – 2 days fasting / 2 days good and week ends all bets are off. So 3 months in I have lost 20 lbs and am able to complete 5K’s and times are improving.
    Another 2-3 lbs and I will hit my ideal weight. With the activity band And app I know how much I burn up a day. I have cut down on alcohol and stopped eating puddings ( mostly). I am 52 and 5″6 and now weight 10:8. Fast days I skip breakfast , lunch poached egg on 1/2 a bunch of asparagus ( 100 calories). I try to eat 600 calories but I don’t obsess over it. Walking the dog for an hour 3 times a week helps. Question is will it go all Pete Tong when I need to maintain?

    Way to go!! No it wont go Pete Tong (Wong). Treat this not as a diet but a journey that you will be on forever. Ive been in maintenance 6:1 since Feb. I vary by about 2 pounds during the course of the week. Every Monday is my fast day and every Tuesday I am within 0.5 pounds of my self imposed weight of 158 pounds. I do not count calories. I find that I tend to choose healthy options and very rarely do I want to eat anything sweet. It works.

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