2nd week of fasting!

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  • Hi everyone!

    I am back on the 5:2 in an attempt to shed the weight I’ve steadily gained over the last few years. I am 5′ 2″ and before I started fasting I was 11 stone 3 – far too chunky for my frame!

    I was on 5:2 last summer and lost a few pounds over the few months that I did it but due to a change in work circumstances and working stressful and unpredictable hours, I gave it up and started eating everything in sight.

    Hoping to shed at least a stone before May which is when I go on holiday. I fasted last week on Monday and Wednesday and managed to lose two pounds despite a steak dinner and dessert on Saturtday and lots of cocktails! I am quite careful on non-fasting days and went to the gym three times.

    I fasted yesterday (Monday) and intend to fast again on Thursday. Look forward to sharing success stories with you all and staying motivated!

    hi LittleDragon and welcome to the forum!

    great you are back on 5.2 so well done for returning! I am the same height as you lol so I know how hard it is for us shorties when any weight gain really shows lol!!

    good luck on your journey,am sure your goal is very achievable and you are doing really well already 🙂

    happy fasting 🙂

    Hey Angie – thanks! How are you doing on your fasts? How long have you been doing it? Totally agree that when us shorties put on weight, it shows so much – I am so envious of all my tall friends for that reason.

    Good luck and happy fasting 🙂

    Hi LittleDragon!!

    I fast usually Tuesdays and Fridays, I know a lot of fasters keep all their cals allowance till the evening but I am one of those who simply cant…

    I have a black coffee in the morning, I may use just under 100 cals for a little snack, lunch time i’ll try and have another 100 cals, maybe a yogurt, I drink some herbal tea in the afternoon, I keep busy and walk a lot with my dogs lol, then around 6pm i’ll have the rest of the cals, tonight I am thinking of making an omelette wih some cheese, comes around 300 calories 🙂

    I have been fasting since last July and lots a good 10 lbs since, I am not scales fan lol so haven’t weighed myself since late December but I may in the morning…

    good luck and happy fasting 😉

    I normally do Monday and Wednesday or Thursday – Friday tends to be normal/eating out day for me!

    I have lots of tea during the day, I used to have a grilled low fat sausage between breakfast and lunch (90 cal) but I’ve stopped having that and now I don’t eat til lunch when maybe I’ll have Waitrose prawn dumplings – 6 pieces is 146 calories, then for dinner, I have sushi and miso soup. I’ve just discovered “slim noodles” which are 21 calories per serving and made from vegetables so I’m going to give them a go soon.

    Well done on your weight loss, great progress!

    Great stuff LittleDragon!

    I keep hearing about these slim noodles lol, but never tried them!

    let me know please what you think of them,and enjoy ! 🙂

    I have these ‘slim noodles’ on order from their website – http://www.eatwater.co.uk/ – they do slim rice, slim pasta and slim noodles. I’ve ordered one of each and they’re doing a BOGOF just now and at £2.55 per 200g (2 servings they say but I may get 3 or 4) they better be good.

    I will report after I’ve tried them all.

    Hey Sylvestra – I bought slim noodles and slim pasta from Holland & Barrett the other day – they’re also buy one get one for a penny(£2.49 for one pack) so works out around the same as getting them from the eatwater.co.uk site and no need to pay packaging costs!

    Well, I have just had veggie chilli with Slim Rice.

    In texture it was much like ordinary rice. It has a rather odd smell but no taste so when eaten with something like chilli it adds bulk to fill me up on a fast day hopefully without the following hunger that rice would cause. At 7 cals per 100g that can’t be a bad thing and the rest of the 200g pack will keep in the fridge until my next fast day on Friday.

    I also have the Slim Pasta and Slim Noodles to try so I’ll give them a go next week.

    @littledragon unfortunately I live a long way from a Holland and Barratt shop so that would have to be mail order too.


    @sylvestra – Thanks for your feedback on the slim products – I still have my slim noodles in my cupboard as I haven’t had a chance to prepare on a fast day – luckily the Innocent range that are stocked in Sainsburys are saving me time preparing on fasting days – http://www.innocentdrinks.co.uk/things-we-make/noodle-pots/vietnam-curry give them a go, they’re really tasty and filling and all around 200 calories.

    Hi little dragon. Is it ok to split up the 500 or does it slow the weight loss.

    @cherylguliner – Hi Cheryl – what do you mean by “split up the 500” do you mean split up the calories throughout the day?

    It’s whatever works for you – 500 calories for the day isn’t much at all, so however you split out the calories won’t really affect the speed of weight loss. I’ve experimented with eating a little throughout the day as well as saving all my calories for the evening and I’ve consistently lost a pound or two each time – so personally I don’t think it makes a difference – everyone is different though!

    Good luck!

    @sylvestra – what do you eat on fast days? Do you mind me asking how long you’ve fasted and your progress so far?

    Hi @littledragon Fast days for me are fairly easy as I don’t eat anything from dinner on my non fast day until dinner on my fast day when I have something a veggie chilli/curry/bolognese which I prepare the day before with ‘courgetti’,cauliflower ‘rice’ or Slim Rice/pasta/Noodles, Sometimes I add chicken breast or Quorn to the veggie dish for variety. I follow that with some melon or pineapple and then have nothing till lunch the next day.

    I’ve been doing 5:2 since November, I started when I reached a plateau after calorie counting since Feb 2013. I had lost 35lbs prior to starting 5:2 and have since lost another 12lbs. I gained 4lbs over the holiday season but got rid of that fairly quickly!!

    Finding 5:2 has been good for me as I feel I can sustain this WOE for as long as I want/need to.


    Hi @sylvestra – thanks for your post! Well done on all your weight loss so far, that’s amazing progress. Wishing you the best with more successes to come. I agree in that it’s a sustainable way of eating.

    I fasted Monday and Wednesday last week – went running on Wednesday morning and an hour in the gym on both Saturday and Sunday and I’m so pleased that even after eating out at Nando’s on Thursday and a big Thai meal on Friday, I have lost another 2 pounds this week. Really happy with that, and hope to lose another 2 this week (although I am staying with family this weekend and therefore will have to be careful about how much I’m eating on non fast days).

    I find that restricting myself on fast days has definitely made me a lot more mindful of what I eat on regular eating days, I crave less quantity, and don’t “need” sugar and sweets like I felt like I did before I was on the Fast Diet.

    Hoping to shed at least a stone before May – watch this space…

    Hi all, just a quick update – I’m on my third week of fasting now and my second day for this week – it’s going well so far – I’ve been drinking lots of mint tea and not really felt hungry at all.

    Had a big Italian meal last night so was worried I would wake up feeling hollow but surprisingly really don’t. This fast diet really does get easier.

    How is everyone else doing? Please share your progress!

    well done LittleDragon!!

    and yes it does get easier and soon it’ll feel like second nature, keep going 🙂

    I’m not sure whether anyone reads these posts but I guess this forum kind of serves as my food/weight loss diary!

    I fasted yesterday and dropped another pound. I’m now officially half a stone down from when I started on 13 January and really really thrilled!

    Wow well done LittleDragon!!

    you are doing really well, brilliant 🙂

    Aww thank you @Angie0904065 – it’s so lovely to get encouragement from you, I’m glad there’s at least someone out there reading my progress.

    How are you doing? what days are you fasting this week? xxx

    hi LittleDragon!!

    I love reading other’s progress lol, its inspiring and always encouraging as you said!th

    I am doing ok thank you, fasting today grrr didn’t eat breakfast to save my calories 🙂 not weighed myself and I don’t intend to at least for another 3 weeks…

    Happy fasting hun,and keep us posted :-)xxx

    Good luck with today’s fast – I’m also doing another fast today (fasted yesterday and this is my first time on a consecutive day fast).

    Might fast Thursday as well, have you ever done a 4:3? do you find it accelarates your weight loss?

    Do you weigh yourself every month? Sorry for all the questions!! I am absolutely addicted to the scales, I weigh myself sometimes more than once a day but perhaps I should cut that back to once a month like you.


    Hi Little Dragon I did 4:3 last week and I am doing it for the month of February as we have a lot of things on so want to make sure I limit the damage!! I too used to be addicted to the scales (I would weigh myself every morning without fail). However now I only weigh myself once a month so I started the 5:2/4:3 on 6 January and weighed myself last Friday 31 January and had lost 8.5 lbs. My next weigh in will be on Friday 28 February and every 4 weeks after that until I reach my goal weight. I go to the gym and one of the trainers there told me that to weigh once a month is much better as it give you a much more realistic reading as our weight fluctuate so much from day to day.

    Hope that helps and keep up the good work 🙂

    oh LittleDragon I think I am the opposite as you re the scales lol!!

    I weigh myself maybe once a month or less lol, I just don’t want to be ruled by numbers grrrrr

    I have never done 4.3, 5.2 is hard enough 🙂 but good for you for doing it!!

    how’s your fast going today? I am waiting for midday to ear something 🙂 theon I wont eat again till about 6pm…

    have a good one!! 🙂

    Hi @jfitzy – I know, I am far too addicted to weighing myself, but I will try and cut this back. Perhaps I should hold off weighing myself again until end of February. I think I just want to try and see if I can do it and whether it kicks my weight loss into the next gear! Congratulations on your 8.5lb drop, that’s absolutely amazing, you should be really proud!

    @angie090465 – my fast day is alright so far, I’m addicted to vanilla red bush tea so i’m drinking lots of that and lots of water to take my mind off it. I have found that when I fast, I don’t experience hunger pangs as badly as I used to when I first started out, maybe my body is getting used to it. I have an innocent veggie pot for lunch (197 cal) and a Waitrose spinach and ricotta cannelloni for dinner (271 cal) – both really yummy and highly recommended! How is yours going? What food do you have planned for today?

    Hi LittleDragon!

    that vanilla bush tea sounds yum! I am not a tea drinker but I have herbal stuff on fast days… i’ll look out for that one!
    I have seen those innocent veggie pots, might give them a try too lol, I am soooo boring with my fast meals,i tend to eat the same stuff!
    For lunch I think its going to be a warburton thin, they are only 100 cals and nice when toasted, probably with ham or cheese… tonight I have a Morrisons meal at under 300 calories…or, I have those handy frozen portions from Birdseye I think, they are so easy to use, pop them in the microwave 3 minutes and they are delicious, about 100 calories, you can have something else with it,i love the green veg medley 🙂

    So that’s my plan for today lol!! tummy is starting to rumble a bit but I a ignoring it…been for walk with doggies early this morning and we’ll be going again this afternoon…

    I work Fridays and weekends so I make the most of the other days to keep active 🙂

    How about you? do you find fasting at work easier? i’ll be doing my second fast Friday…at work, so no tempations lol…

    Nearly lunchtime!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 x

    Hey Angie!

    It’s really good – I recommend Dragonfly as a brand, the Tetley’s ones aren’t nearly as nice – http://www.dragonfly-teas.com/vmchk/167-Dragonfly-Rooibos-Vanilla-40s.html

    I’m the same with fast days, I tend to only really eat the same things. I did the fast diet a bit last year but didn’t really stick with it, and since then I have changed up how I use my calories. I used to have something in the morning under 100 calories but I prefer saving the calories til lunch time, having under 200 then saving 300 for dinner. I either have (this is so boring but it works and it’s easier because I can monitor the calories) 6 dumplings from Waitrose at 24 calories each with a dash of soy sauce (high in protein so keeps me fuller for longer) or I have an innocent veggie pot – the Japanese ramen one which is 197 calories. Then for dinner I either have sushi for 240 calories and miso soup for 45 calories or something ready made (usually Waitrose – there’s one right by my house!) from their “love life” range which is their low calorie ready meals – so spinach and ricotta cannelloni or shepherds pie or veggie lasagne, or fish pie – all of them are under 300 calories apart from the lasagne which is 312 but I just adjust my calories during the day to make sure I don’t go over.

    I’ve found fasting gets easier each week that I do it – the first few days were quite difficult and the first ever fast day I did was absolutely horrific but I think I’m getting used to it now (to be honest this is only my fourth week so I’m perhaps getting ahead of myself) but I can say for certain that I definitely want to make this a long term thing. I’m already worrying about what I am going to do on my two week holiday in May!!

    I definitely find fasting at work easier, especially if I keep busy. I can get the food I eat on fast days from the shops close to my office, and if I’m at my desk rather than at home or out at the weekend, it’s a lot easier to be strict with myself. I don’t think if I could fast on non-work days!

    I plan to go for a little walk at lunchtime and have my food around 1.30! What about you?! xxxxxxxx

    Hi Angie and LittleDragon and anyone else reading,
    I hope you don’t mind me jumping in here and introducing myself– I am brand new on this way of eating and was reading thru posts for inspiration and this thread seems friendly and not too obsessive. I’m 50 yr old woman living on East coast of the States who has been dismayed to see that 10 lbs have snuck on me despite my being really physically active and all kinds of efforts at healthy eating. I am so sick of thinking about food and just want it to be less of a big deal in my mind. Recently visited a college pal for her surprise 50th bday party and she looked fabulous. She told me about the FastDiet so yesterday I bought it and did a 500 cal day. For now I have a feeling of a plan and a sense of hope — my pants have gotten uncomfortably tight and I want to use them as a benchmark as from past experience I’ve found the scale can be antagonistic to keeping my motivation going.

    We had beautiful snow last night and it is so pretty out, am going to bundle up my doggies (1 black pug and 1 rescue mix who DNA test showed is 50%Maltese, 25% Pekingese, 25% pug- basically a ridiculous looking little dog with a severe underbite and bewildered look on her face) and take them on their morning constitutional. Then off to work (psychologist), home to family (new hubby, 16 yr old dau., 22 yr old son who recently grad from university, still jobless, and I have an 18 yr old dau. Who is away at school).

    Look forward to sharing the journey with you gals, that is if you don’t mind my having barged in here on your thread!

    Welcome @simsbury – of course you are most welcome to join this thread! Thanks for sharing your background details.. and your dogs sound so cute! I love pugs especially, they’re adorable.

    Congrats on the new husband as well, that’s great!

    You’re most welcome to document your weight loss journey on this thread – I find it really useful to just come here and write anonymously about how I’m doing and how I find my fasting. I feel like my boyfriend/friends/family don’t want to talk about my weight loss as much as I do, so turning to the forum to discuss my progress with like-minded people with similar targets and ambitions!

    How much are you looking to lose? What days are you fasting? I normally do Monday and Wednesday or Thursday but this week I’m kicking it up a notch and doing Monday, Tuesday and potentially Thursday.

    I’m going to weigh myself at the end of these fasts and then not weigh myself again until the end of February because I’m becoming a bit obsessed with the scales and I need to cut that out!

    Welcome and look forward to hearing all about your progress! Keep us posted and happy fasting!

    hi Simsbury and welcome from me too!!

    Just as LittleDragon said anyone is welcome on here, to chat, to vent,to moan lol!! mostly for support and encouragement too!!

    I just love the way you describe your dogs 🙂 I have two rescue dogs myself and I adore them!!

    Am sure you will love this way of life/eating, wishing you every success and please keep us posted!! good luck!!

    @angie090465 – I’ve just had my Innocent pot of noodles and broth for lunch – feel really satisfied and warm inside now and hopefully it’ll carry me through til dinner tonight of cannelloni – probably eating that around 7.30 so I can go to bed with a full tummy. I can’t get to sleep on an empty stomach, just doesn’t work! A friend of mine used to have egg on toast for breakfast, a salad for lunch then an apple or bag of popcorn in the evening – I tried it and I HATED going to sleep empty. Have you had your lunch yet? Having a bit of a slow day at work and this forum is keeping me entertained!

    Hi LittleDragon, sorry I missed you post doh!!

    I ate around 12 lol, just couldn’t wait anymore, just been walkies with the dogs, looks like we are going to get a storm here….

    try not to worry about your holiday in May, if you are able to throw in a fast whilst there then great if not, its ok too because you can always pick up again when you get back!
    plus I guarantee you you will be so mindful about you’ll eat, the fasts do become easier, like second nature 🙂 but that’s not to say some days are harder lol!!

    have a good afternoon, we are half way there, yay!!! 🙂

    Hey Angie, no problem at all!

    The weather is looking pretty ominious where I am as well – I’ve seen the forecasts and they’re looking pretty grim for the coming week!

    I think it’s going to be really hard fasting in May – I’m going to New York and everyone knows how tempting and delicious the food is in America. My boyfriend has already mapped out all the restaurants he wants to eat at so I don’t know whether I’ll even be able to fast while I’m there. I leave a Thursday so at least I can get my Monday and Wednesday fasts in before I fly.

    We’re half way there! I’m always glad when lunch time comes around because in the afternoon I never get as hungry after lunch as I am in the mornings. I always wake up around 7 and to go from 7am – 1.30pm is quite a long time to go with the tummy rumbles.

    Only 4 or 5 hours til I can leave work and have dinner.. thanks for keeping me company! xx

    hey you are welcome LitteDragon!

    New York!! I have been there once a few years back, I have a friend who lives in Queens, you’ll love it!! and yes the food is good, is yummy, mmm BUT they have also healthy options now in a few places I went to 🙂

    you just have a fab time and forget about fasting lol!!

    roll on this evening now, thank you too for keeping me going today!! have a good afternoon and soon be home time 🙂 xx

    I can’t wait, I wanted to drop a stone before I go, but I’ve been doing the Fast Diet since 13 Jan (this is my fourth week) and I’m astounded that I’ve already dropped half a stone! Really really thrilled, perhaps I’ll even be able to drop two stone before May. We will see, I’m defintely not going to push it though, I’m just going to continue doing what I’m doing now, and I’ll be really thrilled if I lost another half stone in four weeks time.

    Thanks for your support, hope to speak to you soon! Enjoy your dog walk this afternoon too! xxx

    Hi simsbury. Welcome. I think I got the same snowstorm. I live in ct. Superbowl Sunday destroyed my diet for the week. I gained back 5 pounds. I’m interested to hear how your friend did fast diet. I feel like my morning coffee with milk ruins my fast. How did shed her fasting days, if you know. Ps. Welcome to the site

    These comments are so fun to read. Almost every other forum I am on has people from the US commenting. Some of the foods you talk about are foreign to me as I haven’t been to the UK in many years.

    Best of luck in following this plan. Remember, the fasting days will be over sooner than you think. Enjoy the discipline you are exerting over yourself!

    I am reassured that I will not pass out or die if I don’t eat for 20 hours. I have lost nearly 6 lbs or almost half a stone since I started on Friday.

    Hi @amyc welcome to the thread! And well done on your 6lb weight loss, great progress!

    Good morning to anyone who is reading this thread!

    So this is my 3rd fast of the week – also did Monday and Tuesday. Jumped on the scales this morning and I’ve not dropped any more weight since Monday – have stayed the same, but never mind! Hoping by Friday/Saturday it will have evened out a bit and I’ll be down another pound or two. Then I won’t weigh myself again until the beginning of March because I think I’m becoming a bit addicted to the scales, oops!

    I’ve got an M&S country vegetable soup for lunch and a slice of ryvita (185 calories for all of that – the M&S soup is only 150 calories for the full 600g tub which is amazing!). Then I’ve got a Waitrose cottage pie at 291 calories for dinner. (and a few extra just to play with).

    Happy fasting everyone! xx

    Morning LitteDragon!

    you are a well organised and prepared faster, well done you 🙂
    have a good one today, and enjoy your meals!! xx

    Thanks Angie – I like to be prepared so there’s no confusion about what to have.

    On your recommendation, I’ve got some Warburtons thins ready for my lunch on fast days next week! I also got some extra light laughing cow cheese triangles (only 20 calories per serving) and slices of cooked chicken (13 calories per serving!). Somehting a bit different from soups and noodle broths, looking forward to trying them out, so thank you for the recommendation!

    Have a great day! xx

    Just a quick update – I have come to the end of four weeks of fasting, with the last week a 4:3 week. I’ve dropped 8 pounds in total, really pleased with that – a steady 2 pounds for each week that I fasted.

    I was hoping that I would drop a little more for the final week as I did 4:3 and found the 3rd day a struggle but I’m happy with my progress.

    I am planning on holding off weighing myself so obsessively for the next four weeks. I plan to either weigh myself bi-weekly or at the end of four weeks – but not every day like I have been recently!

    Happy weekend to everyone and good luck to those who are fasting today. You can do it!

    hi LittleDragon!

    good to see you lol, 8 pounds is a great result, and you sound very happy and positive!

    I am fasting today and ia m struggling a bit, but I know i’ll stick it out 🙂

    Enjoy your weekend, and hide those scales !! x

    Hi Angie – thanks so much for your message, I’m feeling really good about how these last few weeks have gone and it’s encouraged me to stick with it. It’s not as hard as it sounds and I like that it gives me control over what I’m eating. I was basically eating everything in sight before I was on the Fast Diet.

    Best of luck with your fast today, it’ll be over before you know it – lots of water and herbal tea and just remember you can have what you want tomorrow! The dogs should distract you too!

    I will be hiding my scales after the weekend – definitely need to pry myself away from them and weigh myself less often!

    Have a lovely weekend, thanks again for your encouragement! It means a lot! xx

    I am so like you LittleDragon! I am at the beginning of the 5:2 and am pleased with having lost over 6 lbs in a week. I know that is water weight, but it is nice to see. I am planning on a pound a week after this and will be pleased if it is more.

    I am on my 3rd ever fast day and am pleased that I can exert my will over the desire to eat everything in sight. I have wanted to do a religious fast for many years, but didn’t have the emotional motivation to deny myself food. I was a wimp, for sure.

    I plan to drink lots of tea as it is freezing where I am in the US in Texas. I am looking forward to a nice chef’s salad for dinner tonight for my 500 calories.

    I can’t help but to weight myself every day. The scale goes up and down, and I know to expect that. Weight loss is not linear.

    Hi Amy C – really good to hear from you and WELL DONE on you 6 pound weight loss – that’s amazing progress! Whether it’s water weight or not, it’s still really satisfying to see the numbers decreasing on the scales. How much are you looking to lose if you don’t mind me asking?

    Please let me know how you’re getting on. I feel the same – fasting has helped me keep my binge eating in check and I really do think about the food I’m eating now.

    Keep warm! I really love camomile and vanilla tea – I’m also a fan of green as well on fast days.

    I can’t leave all my calories for the evening, I like to have lunch for around 200 calories and save 300 for dinner and a treat.

    I am going to really try not to weigh myself every day from now… Maybe every fortnight or week but not everyday. I haven’t quite decided. My obsession with the scales is pretty strong haha.

    Good luck with your fast day today!

    Thank you LittleDragon!!

    the day is slowly going lol, been walkies with the dogs again, drank some green tea..watched a couple of horror movies 🙂 I know I am weird like that but I just love them and no I don’t get scared hehe!! well at least not in the middle of the day with 2 dogs by my side 🙂

    have a great weekend xx

    Hello everyone,

    on my own today, not fasting but a bit bored, slightly tempted to have the munchies!

    Reading this thread has put me back on the staight and narrow 🙂

    Innocent veg pots had forgotten those, salad doesn’t quite do it when I come in from a cold lunch duty. Hope Sainsbury’s have an offer on.

    Now to get off my bum and go do some chores.

    I just weigh once a week and get the tape measure out every 4. Weigh day tomorrow, wish me luck 🙂

    Good luck with your weigh in Hilly.
    I do the same if I need some distraction, half hour flies by when you check into the forum and the motivation rises!


    another pound has gone, bringing my total after 5 weeks to 7.5lbs lost! It really seems to work 🙂

    A small set back my body fat reading went up a bit but I ate some cheese last night, so thing that’s probably a temporary blip caused by the cheese!! It was delicious though.

    That’s what I like most about Intermittent Fasting, the Fast Days are hard but on the non-fast days I can be a normal person, if I want something I can have it; nine times out of ten I don’t actually fancy things or if I do I feel much more in control.

    Fasting day tomorrow for me 🙂

    The Fast Diet rocks!

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