2nd fast day – easier than I thought!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  cc79 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi all! I just started fast diet this week. Tuesday was my first fast – I had a late breakfast at work of banana and strawberries in yogurt. It turns out banana is not that nice in yogurt!! So today, 2nd fast day I had banana first followed by strawberries in yogurt, much better. My main fear was that I’d be really hungry but I’ve been ok so far. I’ve got about 2 stone to lose and I’ve heard really good things about this diet so fingers crossed…

    Welcome to the forum cc79.
    IF will soon become your way of life.
    Good luck and keep posting your progress.

    Thanks Lindyw! Sounds mad but I feel slimmer already. Will update on Monday after weigh in.

    I’ve finished 2 weeks and have lost 2 pounds. I was aiming for 1 pound a week but I had thought I might’ve lost a bit more in the first few weeks. If I can keep going with a pound a week I’ll reach my goal of 2 stone off by the end of April so that would be ok.

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