25 Male, wanna lose 10 Kilos

This topic contains 2 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Stardust09 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hey guys, I hate fasting on work days cause my job is stressful and I cant take stress while feeling hungry, I start to feel weak. so I wanna fast weekends, two days consecutively. I need major motivation cause I always never follow through with diets or workouts lol. Ive been “trying” to lose weight for 3 years now lollll.
    Anyway, I have a bad anxiety disorder for which I take an sertraline 50 mg everyday. It increases my appetite and reduces my metabolism. So I figured that 5:2 is the best for my situation.

    Hello and welcome here. I can understand that fasting would be impossible with a stressful job. Good luck for carrying out your plan. All power to you. Let us know how it goes.

    Hi georgeNW,

    What a crock. Good luck with the click bait.

    Hi bourne324

    I did Sunday & Wednesday fasts for a while. Now I switch to Monday & Thursday or whatever 2 days fits best. I think it would be possible for 2 weekend days but tough.

    Have you considered fasting after work every day? I like to fast early so I’m fasting past breakfast sometimes past lunch.

    If 2 day weekend fasts is difficult I would suggest 1 fast day weekend and combine with every day extended fasts.

    Best of luck!

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