22yo over-eating vegan embarking on 5:2

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  allyfitgirl 9 years ago.

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  • Hi everyone!
    I am a vegan who has a tendency to over-compensate by eating enough for about 3 people haha
    I have decided to try intermittent fasting for a number of reasons but I’m struggling on fast days because my entire day just isn’t sustaining me enough.

    Today I’ve already had 310 calories and I know that this evening I will feel terrible 🙁

    I have eyes that are big and an appetite to match so any advice would be welcomed!

    Welcome Jlmn, keep going! Try drinks of water, going for a walk, something salty (miso soup is my fast day regular) a bath, and just keep telling yourself you can eat what you want tomorrow!

    Good luck!

    Hi Jlmn!

    Try 2 cups of vegetable broth, a can of green beans, even some fresh spinach shredded. Add Salt and pepper and bring to a boil. It’s vegan and around 107 calories. It makes a HUGE serving bowl size portion.

    I’m vegetarian transitioning to vegan too.

    Good luck!

    Thank you cinque!
    Il go and get some miso soup on my lunch break, I’m I’m on my second day of fasting (consecutive) because of my schedule this weekend and although yesterday I had a massive headache today I don’t feel too bad!
    I actually found that last night I didn’t want to eat more than I’d planned so in total I had 520 calories 🙂 and today I’m just drinking lots of herbal tea and seeing how long I can last until this evening!

    Thanks ljinsc!
    That sounds great! Good that it’s a big portion too, I think that’s what I struggle with the most – if a portion looks smaller than what I’m used to I automatically tell myself I won’t get full up and convince myself I need more!

    Hi jlmn (and everyone else)! Are you still doing 5:2?
    I’m also a 22yo vegan overeater, so perhaps we could help each other out if you’re still on 🙂 I have done 5:2 successfully in the past (lost 20 lbs, about a third of my goal) and then foolishly stopped, so I am determined to get back into it – starting tomorrow.
    A x

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