2 weeks on Fast diet with no weight loss

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  mcolonn 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I recently saw Mike on the Rachel Ray show in the US and was intrigued by the fast diet. I have never been a good dieter but thought i would give this a try. I purchased the book online and have done 4 fast days over the course of two with no change to my weight whatsoever. I have been splitting my 500 calories between two meals, one in the morning and one in the evening. Although fast days are hard, specially at night, i have been sticking to the plan. Unfortunately, the book did not mentioned TDEE, which i have just found out about from the website. Since the book says to eat normally and not count calories on feed days, that’s what I did. i’m afraid i might have sabotaged my own efforts by eating more than my TDEE? Somewhat disappointed at what seems like two lost weeks but will continue to give it a go….

    welcome to the forum. Don’t be disappointed – the four fast days was not lost. Consider this your warming up.

    I think it is important to spend some time in training mode. Here you may experiment with meal size and timing on fasting days. For every hour you are in fasted state the better your body will be able to use fat as a fuel. This will make it easier to fast and easier to control food intake on other days.

    When the fasting days are more comfortable you can move focus to loosing weight. Being conscious about what and how much you eat on non-fasting days is a good thing – for some here this means counting calories every day but many of us do not and still loose weight.

    By the way; weight is a hopeless measure to monitor and is affected by so many factors. Only the long run trend over a month or so is interesting.

    I hope you will continue to give it a go and hope to hear from you again.

    I think you might be pleasantly surprised but, if not you can just adjust things a bit. I don’t know what my TDEE is, but I try not to wolf everything in site on normal days. The fact that fast days (well more the evenings actually) are tough makes me more aware of what I eat or don’t eat on non fast days so as not to ruin the hard work! Having said that, I’ve had some spectacular scoff sessions and felt blooming awful afterwards! Usually following an emotional dip (not of the cream cheese variety!). Good luck!

    Try not to feel too disheartened, mcolonn, it’s still very early days for you, particularly if (like a number of us on this forum) you have not been calorie-counting on your non-fast days. I refuse point blank to! It wasn’t until my ninth week that the scales started to shift. And they have continued to shift downwards – albeit incredibly slowly – ever since. Remind yourself of the unseen health benefits that this plan also brings. Stick with it – the weight loss will come eventually! Good luck 🙂

    Thanks for the words of encouragement! I’m terrible when it comes to counting calories but will keep trying. I can get thru the fast days ok because i keep telling myself, its just one day, tomorrow you can eat! On my feed days (i feel like a vampire everytime i say that) i guess i need to make some adjustments. Will post on further progress, hopefully it will be better news!
    Thanks all, your words are very much appreciated.

    I’m not counting calories on my non-fast days, either, and like Steph, I refuse to!!! It just seems like another Weight Watchers if you have to track every single day….

    But, that being said, I think this lifestyle does make you more conscious of what you put in your body. And that’s a good thing.

    So good luck, don’t get disheartened, and keep it up! We have your back here.

    I might have had high expectations. I thought i would be losing a pound per fast day. Yesterday when i weighed myself , after two weeks and 4 fast days i was at my original weight, not even a dent! I’m sure long term I’ll see some results as Steph said. I travel a bit for work and counting calories is hard when you eat at the airport, train station or hotel.
    But not giving up!

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