2 weeks in and going strong

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Lynco 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Have been on the diet for 2 weeks now and looking forward to another fasting day tomorrow. Had a problem with constipation last week but probably not drinking enough water, so will make sure I do tomorrow. Am getting lots of bloating at present and not sure why but hope it will wear off eventually. Look forward to being part of the ‘gang’


    There are various tips regarding constipation on the forums if drinking more doesn’t help. Mostly in the benefits and side effects section.

    Good luck 🙂

    Re constipation, I can recommend Twinlab’s Magnesium.

    Thanks Puny and Ninna for the information, just gone through another fast day without problems, and although I love cooking normally I get quite excited sorting out what I can have for 500 calories a day. Feel quite proud when I’ve worked it out. Drinking more water today and occasionally with a teaspoon of lemon, which is good, so I’ll let you know if it helps.

    Well done my 4 weeks now and 9lbs down. Still a bit of a problem after fast days but am drinking more and hoping it will gradually sort itself out. Definitely not as bad as at the beginning. Cannot believe it’s quite so easy. Stomach much flatter and can get into smaller size already – definitely a reason to keep going.

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