1st of August will be my first anniversary

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  • Hi all,

    on 1st of August 2014 I have started a new way of eating – I call it WON = way of nutrition. I am female. In 2014 I was 51, 172 cm, 86 kg back then. I had started with food combining – buzz claim Slim in Sleep (SiS). This way I lost my first 10 kg combined with lots of sports mostly biking indoors and outdoors.

    In November I was invited to a party. There a woman asked me about my weight-loss and told me about a friend of hers who is doing 5:2 fast days successfully. Had not heard about that method before and started doing some research. This sounded great to me and I did my very first FD in November 2014. Since then I have kept doing it regularly. No cheats, no skipping – which makes me very happy 🙂

    My goal is 63 kg. Last weigh-in was on 25th of June 2015: 66 kg. I had many months of “no more results on scale” or even upward trend between February and June yet I lost fat at places you would not look really. Others had told me: “Wow, your arms are much thinner now!” My arms? I had not paid attention to my arms, really 😀

    My blood results, taken in March, were good.

    I like to encourage all women my age that it is doable to get back into shape beyond 50. My intention was an intrinsic one: I wanted to melt the person free that was hidden behind the fat cell wall. I felt those were stored external energies that do not really belong to me and my body. Gained from eating/drinking the wrong things for wrong reasons.

    The ongoing success in just keeping FDs going is feeding a special hunger inside of myself: the hunger of self-efficacy.

    Thanks for reading and always FFF!
    Fabulous Fastday Flow 🙂


    Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! It sounds like you’re doing very well! I am new here and just browsing around the site at the moment. I, too, am in my 50s and have made the decision to lose this extra weight once and for all! Nice to ‘meet’ you. I’m Diane 🙂

    😉 thanks so much, Diane, and another welcome here. I jump between your and my thread now.

    I have just come back from weighing myself this morning after fasting yesterday and the scale printed a 65.9 kg. I could not resist to have a look before 1st of August… I do not have a scale at home myself. Guess it is better for me to only check my weight once or twice a month.

    I am wishing you a wonder-ful time of letting go of those stored energies.

    Do you like affirmations? I have a special sentence I speak out loud (or in my thoughts when in public) every time I eat. It helped me to stay focused, too.

    Dumdidumdidum… Second anniversary. I was able to maintain with a little break in between (due to a stay where I had to stop my 1 0 in 2 (alternate day fasting) routine. That led to a gain of about 7 kg between April and June. I worked hard to get of rid of that again. And succeeded.

    I am wishing you all the best fasting ladies and gentlemen out there. I am still so very happy that my way led to this method of losing fat and gaining joy. I still love the ADF and have never cheated, not even once. That is something that makes me very proud of myself.

    Yay, good luck to all of you “losers and maintainers” 🙂


    Heya, has been a while 🙂

    Today is my 326th water fast day (on the whole). 39 days left and I can happily say that I have been doing the ADF for full two years – YAY. And I am going to continue because it just feels so right for me. I am also still doing the 3 liters of water every day. ADF & water intake give me the feeling to be fitter than ever. Plus my regular sports, of course.

    Right now I am in a personal challenge again: 1st of August 2017 is coming soon. I want to see whether I can lose some of my actual 66 kg until then. Again I am going without any alcohol or potatoe chips and too much sugar intake. So the challenge is worthwhile no matter whether there will be weight-loss or not.

    I am wishing all of you a great summer with happy results – be it maintaining or losing.

    May you all melt yourself free into the shape that is truly you.


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