1st fast commenced 1 hour ago

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Mimi 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi

    I feel really excited about this fasting thing – I’ve never done a proper one before but I have a tendency to skip breakfast anyway so I’m not too worried about tomorrow morning. I’ve had pizza, chip buttes and chocolate cake today as a preliminary to my fast. I’ve tried all sorts to lose weight since having my DS 31/2 yrs ago. Hypno gastric band last year – pants, 1200kcals every day last couple of months ( fell off the wagon a couple of weeks ago). My problem is sticking to things but I reckon I could do this. Would love to get into all my pre pregnancy clothes again! have got hubby to agree to it as well so support at home will help.

    Good luck to all other new fasters.

    According to the clock on this site, you are 17 hours and 33 minutes into it. Hope it’s going well! xx

    Hi hope all is well – i am on my second fast day and feeling good! i did get to a point around 4pm on the first day, when i could cheerfully have chewed off my own arm because i was so hungry, but i managed to distract myself and by 4:30pm i was OK and did not feel the need to eat until 6:30pm when it was time for dinner anyway!

    Thanks guys. So, had a coffee at 7am with a splash of milk and 1/2 sugar, an apple at 1 pm and chicken stir fry (about 450kcals) for dinnerloads of water all day too. I actually feel more hungry now I’ve eaten dinner! Ill not eat again until about 9am tomorrow. I even resisted the biscuits and flapjacks today at work! Did I do it right?

    Quite looking forward to next fast day on Monday.

    here we are again, Monday and it’s fast day. still going well – easy to be smug when it is only your third one! hope you are doing OK too. don’t worry too much about doing it “right”, this is for life to make us healthy and the fact we lose weight too is a wonderful bonus. for me i split my calories into 2 – one lot for lunch and the other for dinner. i find water is just too boring, so i have herbal teas (i don’t like black coffee and i am not wasting my calories on milk!). good luck

    Hello to Sanroboccops – sounds like you are doing it right. It DOES get easier for most people. And remember, tomorrow’s always another day!

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